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Training seminar for elected authorities closes – Crónica

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Training seminar for elected authorities closes – Crónica
José Luis Ojeda, Executive Director of the Caje Foundation.

Training seminar aimed at elected authorities ends this weekend: the majority of the members of the parish governments have participated.

The non-governmental foundation, Centro de Apoyo Ecuatoriano (Caje), is finishing a training seminar workshop aimed at members of parochial, municipal and prefectural governments, after having informed the participants of various topics related to the functions they assume , through expert trainers in each of the areas.

José Luis Ojeda, executive director of the entity, told Diario Crónica that the training offer has been fulfilled thanks to the support of the National Foundation for Democracy NED, and with the endorsement of the National University of Loja and the provincial delegation of the National Council Therefore, they are “pleased for having been the first institution to generate these training spaces for free, for those who will lead the public administration in a new period 2023-2027.”

Themes and facilitators

The training process began on March 4, taking place on Saturdays, through various topics, in person and online, since the participants were even from other provinces of the country. This program would have been directed by local, national and international speakers of high academic level and experience. “On issues such as parliamentary procedure, participatory budgeting, territorial planning and ordering, project profiling, strategic alliance structures, Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization (Cootad), law on citizen participation and social control, and local governments transparent”, indicated Ojeda, referring to the topics studied by the participants, but also detailed the names of those who have facilitated the workshops, including Leonardo Izquierdo, Kevin Jiménez, Karla Suing, and above all, the presence of Fernando Carrión Mena , expert in land use planning from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO); and Mauricio Alarcon Salvador.

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Lack of participation of mayors

The training process had 12 modules that would represent 44 academic hours, so it ends next Saturday, May 13 at the facilities of the Hotel Carrión in the city of Loja, located at Colón 152-41 streets between November 18 and Avenida University, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. “We have not only had participants from the province of Loja, but also at the national level,” said the executive director of the foundation, although he acknowledged the lack of participation of the majority of mayors and councilors in the province. “There was not a big response, as we would have liked, because there were mayors of the province who did not give it much importance; we would have liked to have the presence of the 16 ”, he commented.

Board members, the most disciplined

On the contrary, it would have been the participation of the members of the parish governments, who have had a majority participation in the training process proposed by Caje. “An extraordinary response from the representatives of the parishes, who are also very disciplined people: they have attended every weekend to receive the formation programs,” said the executive director, while announcing that the second phase would be related to a process that allows measuring the management of these levels of government. “The purpose is to see to what extent the training has served them,” he stressed. (YO)

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