Home » Madness in the west: they fainted from a punch to a bus driver and there are several lines on strike

Madness in the west: they fainted from a punch to a bus driver and there are several lines on strike

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Drivers and passengers in the western Conurbano experience a daily ordeal, in which episodes of unsafetyand this Thursday, May 11, although there were no thieves, a subject who was furious because he had fallen asleep and passed his destination in Merlo, ended up attacking a driver with blowsgenerating an accident that could have had a serious balance, since without control the bus ended up crashing into a Kangoo truck.

It happened in inmate 106 of the Line 236, where a passenger had gotten angry when he woke up in Merlo, when he expected to get off earlier. Upon arriving at the Terminal, he discussed with employees of the line, He even threatened to attack some delegates who tried to calm him downFinally, before the intervention of the police, the passenger took a bus on the same line that began its journey in the opposite direction. The episode seemed to be over, but when the subject reached Provincial Route 1003, in Merlo, he suddenly punched the driver from behind, with such violence that he faintedand the micro went out of control.

Inmate 106 of line 236, where the driver was attacked and ended up hitting a Kangoo.

Seeing what was happening, the two closest passengers desperately tried to control the steering wheel and stop the unit, but they did not succeed and the bus crossed the lane, to hit a Renault Kangoo that just managed to pass by the place.

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Lines 236, 166, 634 and 504 started a strike

The assailant went down the front door and ran away, but he would be identified and tonight he was wanted by the police, while it was indicated that the driver was transferred to a nearby clinic. Faced with this new episode of violence, although this time he did not have anything to do with a robbery, the workers of lines 236, 166, 634 and 504 started a strikewhich continued tonight and could cause serious inconvenience to thousands of people if it lasts through Friday.

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The only encouraging news from the insane scene is that despite the violence of the crash, there were no serious injuries either in the bus or in the Kangoo van, only with a couple of minor bruises. It is now expected that the police manage to apprehend the angry passenger.


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