Home » Research destroys a ‘myth’: depressive and anxiety-producing effects with french fries

Research destroys a ‘myth’: depressive and anxiety-producing effects with french fries

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Research destroys a ‘myth’: depressive and anxiety-producing effects with french fries

We never thought that eating tasty french fries could trigger depressive effects or anxiety crises, but a study reveals how it happens.

The research comes from China and we are facing bad news: eating french fries can harm your health, and not because of the calories.

Brain-threatening acrylamide in French fries: (InformationToday)

Il food it is, as well as one needalso an way to stay healthy, and even something that has always accompanied human relationships. Basically, make food it serves the body but also the soul. Unfortunately, even food hides dangers to health, and knowing them can help us defend ourselves.

The latest Chinese research warns us that the French fries danger it’s not just that of fats that can harm the liver (or the figure) but something even more sneaky. Here’s what they found.

Why do french fries have depressive and anxiety-producing effects on people? The shocking discovery

Reading an association between the consumption of tasty French fries and theoccurrence of mental problems we might think that it is an “urban legend”. Instead some researchers have found a link carrying out precise tests.

They enlisted more than 140 thousand people and they concluded that frequent consumption of french fries (and other fried foods in general) can increase the rrisk of psychiatric pathologies (anxious states) even up to 12% and depression up to 7%.

The guilt it is not of oil for frying, but of a toxic substance already known: acrylamide. This substance develops through cooking at very high temperatures, temperatures that must necessarily be reached when frying food.

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Many studies have been done on acrylamide and everyone agrees that it is potentially a substance carcinogenicif not even genotossica.

The latest Chinese study, also published in the scientific journal PNAS, adds another element: according to scholars, acrylamide would be able to damage some substances in the brainthus negatively influencing the very delicate processes that regulate mood.

I degenerative processes of oxidants on the organism are globally known. Therefore it is not surprising that a substance such as acrylamide also causes damage to the brain. This studiowhich is added to others, it shows us that we need to pay close attentionespecially towards the industrial foodspotentially more dangerous.

What foods is acrylamide found in?

Besides the fries we must be able to recognize the foods in which acrylamide is more likely to develop. This substance, in fact, “is born” when sugars and amino acids come together following cooking at high temperatures.

A riskall the heavily baked baked goods, such as crackers, cookies, bunsand unfortunately also the same industrial products intended for children. Attention therefore: when there are “burned” areas on a baked product, it is better to avoid consuming it. Still it would be better to prepare these products at homeper decrease the risks development of the toxic substance.

(the information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, they do not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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