Home Ā» Covid-19, situation in Italy 1-7 May 2023

Covid-19, situation in Italy 1-7 May 2023

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Below is the summary and commentary of the Control Room – Monitoring Phase 3 of 12 May 2023, Analysis of the spread and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Italy (Circular No. 14253 of 5 May 2023 issued by the Ministry of Health ).

Slightly decreasing incidence: The data of the Integrated Surveillance COVID-19 of the ISS, in the period 01/05/2023-07/05/2023, show an incidence of 31 cases per 100,000 inhabitants while the previous week (24/04/2023-30/04/2023 ) was equal to 37 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The same downward trend is also observed in the most recent data surveyed by the Ministry of Health (32 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 05-11/05/2023 vs 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 28/04-4/05/2023) . The weekly incidence is decreasing in all Regions/PPAA.

Hospital Rt below the epidemic threshold: The transmissibility index based on cases with hospitalization on 02 May 2023 is equal to 0.78 (0.74 – 0.83), a decrease compared to the previous week (Rt=0.91 (0.85-0.96 ) as of 04/25/2023) and below the pandemic threshold.

The occupation rate of intensive care beds has decreased slightly nationwide: the occupancy rate of intensive care beds was 0.8% on 11/05/2023, compared to 1.1% on 04/05/2023 (indicators calculated pursuant to Legislative Decree 105/2021). The 30-day ICU bed occupancy projection at the national level, based on currently available transmissibility data, shows a decreasing trend.

The employment rate in COVID-19 medical areas has slightly decreased nationwide: was 4.0% on 05/11/2023, compared to 4.4% on 05/04/2023. The 30-day projection of bed occupancy at the national level in the medical area, based on the transmissibility data currently available, shows a decreasing trend.

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The incidence of new cases identified and reported with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy is slightly decreasing compared to the previous week of monitoring. Overall, the impact on hospitals is low, with a slightly decreasing bed occupancy rate both in the medical areas and in intensive care.

It reiterates the opportunity, especially for people at greater risk of developing a serious disease following infection with SARS-CoV-2, to continue to adopt the individual and collective behavioral measures envisaged and/or recommended, the use of mask, ventilation of the premises, hand hygiene and paying attention to gathering situations.

The high vaccination coverage, the completion of the vaccination cycles and the maintenance of a high immune response through the booster dose, with particular regard to the categories indicated by the ministerial provisions, such as the elderly and the most fragile groups of the population, represent important tools for mitigate the clinical impact of the epidemic.

I notify

With this first phase 3 monitoring of the epidemic, number 156 of 12 May 2023 changes the type of analysis and documentation on the progress of the epidemic based on the Circular of 5 May 2023,



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