Home » Diabetes, with this simple habit at the table you can prevent it: it takes very little to reduce blood sugar levels

Diabetes, with this simple habit at the table you can prevent it: it takes very little to reduce blood sugar levels

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Diabetes, with this simple habit at the table you can prevent it: it takes very little to reduce blood sugar levels

Diabetes is a very widespread and even dangerous pathology, prevention begins right at the table and with nutrition.

Paying attention to your diet from a young age is by no means something to be underestimated. Being attentive to such an aspect, in fact, allows you to prevent the onset of many diseases. On the other hand, it is no coincidence that many studies show that there is a direct and rather marked link between what let’s eat every day and cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and the like.

The last one studio on the subject, however, it has highlighted a totally different key, which could open the door to a new way of understanding the disease and above all prevention.

New diabetes study reveals which eating habit is risky

The medicine makes great strides, helping people understand how to move to avoid problems related to more severe and easy-onset diseases. High cholesterol, high blood sugar, problems related to being overweight are more common than one might imagine, certainly linked to genetic factors but also and above all to nutrition.

What to do at the table to prevent diabetes (tantasalute.it)

The Mediterranean diet is essential because it helps us to have a healthy and balanced diet, based on fresh and seasonal products, low in sugar, variability in carbohydrates and proteins and an excellent nutritional intake. According to studies, however, it’s not enough just to choose the right ingredients: it all depends on how we cook them and how we eat them.

Apparently there is a direct link between chewing and the onset of type 2 diabetes. Scientists have analyzed a group of 94 people between 30 and 75 years old. The groups were divided into two: on the one hand those with good dentition and subsequent correct chewing, on the other a group of people who did not have correct chewing of foods for dental malocclusion, overlapping teeth and other problems. The authors of the study, published in the journal Plos One, reported that inefficient chewing is associated with higher blood sugar peaks and thus higher blood sugar and more frequent type 2 diabetes.

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So if today we knew how important diet and nutrition in general were to prevent certain pathologies, now we are also aware of how important it is to chew foods correctly to avoid impact serious. The first digestion takes place precisely through chewing. Therefore, doctors recommend that you always eat calmly, chew very well and prefer fresh foods and above all lightly cooked foods without too many condiments. These tricks can even save your life in the long run, so it’s worth committing yourself to completing them on a daily basis.

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