Home » Evening routine: There are six simple things you should do every day after 8 p.m

Evening routine: There are six simple things you should do every day after 8 p.m

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Evening routine: There are six simple things you should do every day after 8 p.m

Not only morning routines, but also evening habits are important for health. If you have a regular evening routine, you start the next day more relaxed and fitter.

The start of the day often lays the foundation for a good day – but the evening before is also important.

In addition to brushing your teeth, putting on your pajamas, etc., there are six other things you should do every evening to make the next day a complete success.

1. Review the day

Before you end the evening, take a moment to reflect on the previous day. What went well? What could have been better?

This short exercise allows you to gain insight and let go of any worries or negative thoughts that might be keeping you from sleeping.

2. Turn off your phone – or put it in airplane mode

The constant availability of smartphones can cause us to stay online late into the night and become distracted by screens.

So turn off your phone or put it on airplane mode at least an hour before bed to give your brain a chance to prepare for the rest period ahead.

3. At least an hour before bed: away from screens

Turn off not only your cell phone, but also all other electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed and ensure a quiet and dark sleeping environment.

The blue light from screens can affect the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.

Instead, you should incorporate relaxing activities such as reading, listening to music or meditation into your evening.

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4. Plan the next day

Use the time in the evening to plan the next day. Pick out the outfit for the next day and briefly go through the daily routine in your head.

So that you don’t worry too much about upcoming to-dos when you fall asleep, you should make a list of the most important tasks and obligations.

Think about the most effective way to approach things. Writing down your thoughts can help calm your mind and prepare you for a peaceful night’s sleep.

5. Simple breathing exercises to help you fall asleep

Breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to calm down and calm the mind. Before going to bed, you can spend a few minutes breathing consciously and deeply.

A popular technique is the 4-7-11 method, which involves inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for seven seconds. Repeat this exercise until eleven minutes are up.

6. Take time for yourself

Take time for yourself and treat yourself to something that brings you joy and relaxation. A warm bath, a relaxing cup of tea, or reading a good book can do wonders for relieving the stress of the day and preparing your body and mind for a restful night.

By incorporating these six things into your evening routine, you can improve the quality of your sleep. In addition, you end the day calmly and calmly. A regular evening routine can also ensure increased well-being and help you feel more balanced and less stressed throughout the day.

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