Home » $5,000 for an Ironman: Why it was a good investment

$5,000 for an Ironman: Why it was a good investment

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$5,000 for an Ironman: Why it was a good investment

A full Ironman consists of a 3.8 km swim, a 180 km bike and a 42 km run. This is where the author trains for the half-Ironman. Kathleen Elkins

Last year, Kathleen Elkins signed up for an Ironman. She had never competed in a triathlon – and was amazed at the cost.

With entry fees, equipment and travel expenses included, she spent over $5,000 just to get to the start line.

Here Elkins explains what she had to pay how much money for and why experts say she made a good investment.

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When I signed up for an Ironman triathlon with a friend last year, I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting myself into physically – and financially too.

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