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Agreement with the unions on the thousand Vodafone redundancies

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Agreement with the unions on the thousand Vodafone redundancies

Vodafone Italia and the trade unions have reached an agreement for the management of a thousand redundancies through the adoption of sustainable tools for employees and the company. The agreement provides for professional retraining paths, voluntary mobility through incentives, recourse to isopension for up to five years, as well as early retirement through the “women’s option”, a solidarity contract with a monthly hourly reduction of 25% for the call center and 5% for the other functions within the agreed corporate perimeter. For the unions it is “an agreement, certainly of a defensive nature” to avert a dramatic outcome in the absence of an agreement but in the end “the attempt to continue to focus on professional retraining, transforming workers’ skills towards those new activities that the market and digitization require, is the demonstration of an awareness that bargaining must be the key tool». The word passes to the workers, who will be called to express themselves on the agreement in the assemblies by 21 June, in view of the meeting with the Ministry of Labor on 22.

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