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Berlin has no money for expropriations!

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Berlin has no money for expropriations!

Thirdly, Berlin cannot afford to have companies with hundreds of thousands of apartments incorporated. Because even if a few within the Commission pleaded not to compensate the companies at the economic equivalent, but to take away their property at “cheap” special conditions, the compensation payment due should ultimately amount to a mid-double-digit billion amount. Apart from the fact that, despite the enormous expenditure, not a single tenant would be helped and, above all, not a single apartment would be created, Berlin could not come close to raising the money for it. After all, the debt brake in the Basic Law also applies to the state of Berlin and the capital is already up to its neck in debt.

The only advice we can give is to remain calm: Don’t get upset, because Berlin can’t afford its socialist dreams of expropriation!

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