Home » CDM, ok to recruitment in the PA and drought decree.

CDM, ok to recruitment in the PA and drought decree.

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CDM, ok to recruitment in the PA and drought decree.

Green light of cabinet al decree with the assumptions for the Pa

Objective: to strengthen the administrative capacity of the public administration. Approved by the CDM also the drought decree and it draft legislative decree to complete the Trans-European transport network. Slide, however, the ok to competition law.

“The Council of Ministers has approved a very important decree for the public administration, which also provides for recruitment for the security forces” explains Palazzo Chigi. Two thirds of the new workforce (over 2,100 hires) concern the Arma dei Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, the Fire Brigade, the State Police, the Port Authorities and the Coast Guard.

Recruitments in the police force sector are financed through the latest budget law with the funds provided for security. The resources for recruitment in the central administrations are provided for in paragraph 607 of the Draghi government’s Budget Law. In the dl recruitment for the Public Administration approved by the CDM, thesalary increase of up to 30% for researchers who win research funding in order to encourage them to stay in Italy and to attract researchers from abroad.

In the dl PA also the rule that provides for the establishment of the“Attracting and unlocking investments” mission unit at Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italyaimed at facilitating, directing and de-bureaucratizing the procedures for attracting investments in Italy.

The drought decree arrives

“As announced, we are intervening to contain the damage connected to the water emergency phenomenon, with operational actions and short, medium and long-term de-bureaucratisation, and the allocation of resources” declared the Deputy Minister for the Environment and Energy Security Vannia Gava commenting on the green light of the cdm al drought decree.

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Satisfaction with the approval of dl drought by Confcooperative. “With the dlrought decree approved by the council of ministers, the Government intervenes urgently and decisively to counter the serious scourge of drought which is bringing 1.5 million workers to their knees, including agricultural producers and related industries, as well as hundreds of thousands of businesses and consortia. It is a sign of great attention for the country and, in particular, for the agri-food sector which has been denouncing the consequences of the serious water crisis affecting our production system for some time. The decision to attribute the broadest powers of intervention to an extraordinary Commissioner meets with our broadest support,” he says Maurizio Gardini, president of Confcooperative.

“There is no time to waste, it is necessary to remove all those situations of obstacle or inertia and the red tape which too often have prevented the implementation of infrastructural interventions that cannot be postponed. It is necessary to optimize the use of water and mitigate the damage connected with the water emergency” he continues.

“The decision to allocate the purified waste water to irrigation use and the decision to modify, simplifying it, the discipline for the desalination of water was also good. We hope that the control room set up at Palazzo Chigi and the extraordinary commissioner will dialogue with the representative organizations in order to make the interventions to be implemented more responsive to the needs of the agricultural sector. The involvement of the same organizations in the district observatories that will be created with the basin authorities would be equally fundamental in order to better reconstruct the needs of the various sectors” he concludes.

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