Home » Challenge Microsoft GitHub Copilot: Google plans to launch AI programming tools – small tech news

Challenge Microsoft GitHub Copilot: Google plans to launch AI programming tools – small tech news

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Challenge Microsoft GitHub Copilot: Google plans to launch AI programming tools – small tech news

Challenge Microsoft GitHub Copilot: Google plans to launch AI programming tools

2023-03-29 10:31:36 Source: Fast Technology Author: Naihe Editor: Naihe Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

As early as many years ago, OpenAI cooperated with Microsoft GitHub to launch the GitHub Copilot artificial intelligence programming tool, and it has successfully entered commercial use.

recently,Google announced a partnership with online IDE developer Replit to launch AI-based intelligent programming, challenging Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot.

According to the agreement between Google and Replit, Google will give the startup access to its huge computing resources and customized AI models; in return, Google will host and provide Replit’s code editing software from Google Cloud.

this means,Current Google Cloud and Workspace developers will gain access to Ghostwriter, Replit’s AI programming tool.

At the same time, Ghostwriter can also get access to the service from Google, as well as the underlying model.

It is reported that Replit said that Ghostwriter supports more than 20 million developers,And claims that it helps generate more than 30% of the codes for users.

Challenge Microsoft GitHub Copilot: Google plans to launch AI programming tools

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Responsible Editor: Nai He

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