Home » Chinese cars, chip deal between Chinese Chery and STMicroelectronics

Chinese cars, chip deal between Chinese Chery and STMicroelectronics

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Chinese cars, chip deal between Chinese Chery and STMicroelectronics

A bit of European hi-tech in Chinese electric cars. The Chinese automobile group Chery Group has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with STMicroelectronics. The objective is a technological cooperation aimed at the supply of semiconductors by the Italian group in order to improve the performance of the cars of the Chinese manufacturer which has launched an expansion plan towards Europe with its own brands. The chips will also be used on the Omada 5 and the James 7 and the other cars destined for the Italian market starting from the end of 2023.

The intention is to develop a range of globally competitive cars. This range, of which the Omada 5 and the Jeacoo 7 are the first representatives, it will be proposed in Europe starting from the end of 2023.

Among the debut markets will be Italy, which will play a key role in the Group’s expansion strategy. It is to support this strategy that Chery is launching partnerships with leading companies in various sectors. After signing the partnership with CATL for batteries, now it’s time to STMicroelectronics.

«China is a big country – said the CEO of ST Jean-Marc Chery – both as regards production and as regards the request for products and services. The Chinese market is very attractive for global semiconductor companies, and we, especially as ST, attach great importance to the cooperation with Chery Group, especially in high-growth industries such as electric vehicles. From the fruitful direct confrontation between director Yin and the senior management team of CheryST will be able to grasp Chery’s innovation needs, helping the group to plan the various evolutionary steps in advance».

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According to the president of Chery Group, Yin Tongyue, «ST manufactures extremely high quality products, which adapt to the latest generation vehicles: electric, software-oriented, connected and autonomous. It can provide us with a variety of dedicated and customized automotive semiconductor solutions to meet the demand for high-tech cars. We therefore hope that after today’s meeting, our strategic cooperation will intensify, expanding more and more. Chery group will immediately adopt ST products and their innovative technologies will be applied to our new models. This partnership will offer mutual benefits and will allow both companies to accelerate the race towards innovation and satisfaction of the needs of our customers»

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