Home » Confindustria, Bonomi: «Our presence in the US is strategic»

Confindustria, Bonomi: «Our presence in the US is strategic»

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Confindustria, Bonomi: «Our presence in the US is strategic»

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Strengthen international relations and consolidate the presence of Italian companies abroad, in particular give a further boost to transatlantic relations and act as a bridge between Italian and American companies, in a complex phase such as the current one, with ongoing geopolitical tensions and an evolution of socio-economic balances.

These are the premises of the “Confindustria in the world” project: after the opening of the offices in Kiev and Singapore, it is the turn of the Washington office, at 1025 Connecticut Avenue. “Being more strongly present overseas is very important and strategic, due to the competitiveness challenge that the USA is launching on other continents with the Inflation Reduction Act, which will push many companies to invest”, explained the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi , the day after the inauguration of the “epochal” exhibition of 12 tables from Leonardo’s Codex Atlanticus that Confindustria managed to create at the Martin Luther King JR Memorial Library, with the Ambrosian Library (where the works are kept), to also communicate with the culture the Italian ingenuity.

Confindustria increasingly international

«The IRA is not a protectionist instrument, the US has decided that some sectors and supply chains are strategic and have an interest in these sectors and supply chains remaining in the United States or in friendly countries. They have a very clear vision», said Bonomi, connected to Sky Tg 24. For this reason, Confindustria’s action, added Bonomi, is increasingly aimed at an international rather than a national level. Pressing Europe: «the EU has not given this vision, it has the goal of being the first in the transitions, but then it says make do. This is not the way, also because the transitions, which are unavoidable, need great resources». For the green transition, 3,500 billion are needed at European level, 650 in Italy: the Pnrr allocates 60-70. For Bonomi, a European sovereign wealth fund is needed. But given the resistance in the EU, he relaunched the proposal to use Mes funds for industrial policy, to boost investment. “If Europe thinks that industry is strategic, it must make the necessary resources available, not for corporate interests, but for Europe itself”.

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The EU must react to the challenge from the USA and China. The Silk Road agreements expire at the end of the year: «it is a political issue, which must be shared with our allies, from an economic point of view nothing would change, in the light of what is happening it may be useful to keep a channel of dialogue open» .

Institutional meetings

In this complex scenario, an international gaze and commitment is needed. Bonomi had a series of institutional meetings in Washington, accompanied by some vice presidents – Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, Internationalization, Katia Da Ros, Environment, Sustainability and Culture, Alberto Marenghi, Organization, Development and Marketing, Francesco De Santis, Research and Development, Giovanni Baroni, president of Small Industry, Vito Grassi, president of the Council of Regional Representatives and for Territorial Cohesion Policies – and other members of the Italian delegation including Mirja Cartia d’Asero, CEO of Gruppo 24 Ore, and Sergio Dompé, executive president of Dompé Farmaceutici. Yesterday there were talks with the American Chamber of Commerce, with the World Bank, this morning they will continue with the Department of Commerce and other American administrations including the Government Agency for Small Industry. On Tuesday, at the vernissage of the exhibition, was present, among various institutions, the Secretary of State of the District of Columbia, Kimberly A. Basset.

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