Home Ā» Cospito remains at 41-bis: Cassation rejects the appeal of the anarchist’s lawyers

Cospito remains at 41-bis: Cassation rejects the appeal of the anarchist’s lawyers

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Cospito remains at 41-bis: Cassation rejects the appeal of the anarchist’s lawyers

Cospito remains at 41 bis. The decision of the Supreme Court

The appeal against the 41-bis prison regime presented by the defense of Alfredo Cospitothe anarchist leader, on hunger strike for almost four months, detained in the prison ward of the San Paolo hospital in Milan.

“Murderers, Murderers”. A chorus immediately arose from the anarchists’ garrison in front of the Cassation after the confirmation of the 41 bis.

The first criminal section of the Court of Cassation, in addition to rejecting the appeal, ordered the appellant to pay the costs of the proceedings. Another “no” after the negative opinion of the Surveillance Court of Rome to the complaint advanced by the lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini against the 41 bis.

“They wanted the martyr and they will have it”. It is the reading that the lawyer Flavio Rossi Alberttini gives of the decision of the Cassation to confirm the 41 bis to his client Alfredo Cospito. “I had gained some hope – he says – after the Cassation had brought forward the hearing twice and above all after the opinion of the Cassation pg. They decided so ‘because’ they feel strong since they have public opinion in favor”.

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