Home » Dismissals, from 1 July block only with discounted ordinary Cig

Dismissals, from 1 July block only with discounted ordinary Cig

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The disputed Orlando rule on the blocking of layoffs changes. Until 30 June everything will remain as it is, with the possibility, therefore, for companies to request the Covid-19 cig without triggering the automatic extension of the ban on firing for a further 60 days, until 28 August, as initially. hypothesized by the draft of the Minister of Labor.

From 1 July, manufacturing and construction companies will exit the Covid-19 cig and will no longer have automatic bans on firing. Companies still in difficulty, however, will be able to return to access the ordinary or extraordinary redundancy fund, without paying additional contributions until 31 December. Only for them, that is to say for the realities that will use this “discounted” cig, will the prohibition on dismissal be extended for the entire duration in which they will benefit from the redundancy fund.


Mediation after the Orlando proposal

These are the salient points of the rule drawn up by the government in the Dl Sostegni Bis, the result of a long mediation work, on the subject of layoffs, after surprisingly the owner of the Labor had brought a proposal to the council of ministers last Thursday bypartisan (for opposite reasons) of companies, trade unions and a good part of the majority (see Il Sole-24Ore di Domenica). According to the earliest estimates, the new regulation has a cost of around 165 million euros, with a potential audience of about 380 thousand beneficiaries of companies, who are granted exemption from paying the additional contribution (9%, 12 % and 15% depending on the duration of use) for wage supplement treatments from 1 July to 31 December.

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After a day of strong controversy within the majority, with the minister Orlando who feared his resignation, the mediation solution was reached. “As a result of a technical in-depth course – reads a press release from Palazzo Chigi released in the evening -, carried out on the basis of the proposals put forward by Minister Orlando in the Council of Ministers which provide for a more comprehensive set of provisions to support businesses and workers in the restart phase, a proposal has been defined which maintains the possibility for companies to use the ordinary redundancy fund, even from 1 July, without paying additional payments until the end of the year, undertaking not to lay off. As part of this process, discussions with the social partners remain open ”.

The new version of the standard

The difference from Orlando’s proposal is this. Two new features were introduced in the provision presented by the Minister of Labor last week. First: if a company asked for the Covid-19 cig to be used by the end of June (from the date of entry into force of the Dl), the block on layoffs would have been extended until 28 August. Second: from 1 July the company that uses the ordinary cash will not pay the additional charges, but at the same time it will not be able to lay off while using the cig. With the mediation of the government technicians, the first part of the regulation was canceled, confirming, with slight adjustments, the second, based on the principle that those who use the “discounted” cig cannot fire as long as they use it.

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