Home » ECB, Meloni’s direct attack on Lagarde: “This does more damage than inflation”

ECB, Meloni’s direct attack on Lagarde: “This does more damage than inflation”

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ECB, Meloni’s direct attack on Lagarde: “This does more damage than inflation”


The war in Ukraine and the migration issue. These two are the main themes at the center of the European Council tomorrow and the day after tomorrow anticipated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in communications to the Chamber of Deputies held this morning in view of the summit with the other EU heads of government.

“The phase that Europe, the West and the international system are experiencing has not changed – said Meloni – security in all areas, social and economic, remains the priority of our daily work. The defense of security and freedom cannot ignore the strategic partnership between the EU and NATO. In view of the NATO summit in Vilnius, a working meeting with the NATO secretary general Stoltenberg is scheduled tomorrow before the start of the Council’s work”.

Migrants, Meloni: “It’s a European challenge. I’m changing pace in the EU”

For the Prime Minister “The central theme will be that of immigration. It has finally been recognized that migration it is a European challenge and it requires European responses. If the issue of immigration is not tackled upstream, it is impossible to implement a just and effective immigration policy. We cannot leave to smugglers the power of who enters or doesn’t enter Europe”.

The premier is convinced that “this change of pace means keeping attention high” on the countries of origin and transit on the Mediterranean shore. “Adequate resources are needed” for these countries, “an approach pioneered by our Mattei plan“. “The goal is ambitious but clear, we need equal and non-predatory development” in these countries, says the premier.


Meloni: “We are aiming for a European fund for sovereignty”

“On June 20, the European Commission presented a platform, Step, to simplify procedures” on the allocation of funds which “grants flexibility for strategic sectors: it was a request that Italy had made”, said Giorgia Meloni. “The proposal – he highlighted – is an important starting point for the negotiations to which Italy intends to contribute, this instrument” it could be a “first step towards a European fund for sovereignty”.

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Mes, Meloni: “First question of method for national interest”

On the Mes Meloni does not retreat: “I do not consider it useful for Italy to fuel an internal controversy on the Mes. Italy’s interest is to face the negotiation on European governance, where we discuss the whole in respect of our national interest. Even before a question of merit, there is it is a question of method on how to defend the national interest”.

ECB, Meloni: “Raising rates can do more damage than inflation”

“Inflation – according to the prime minister – has returned to affect the economy, it is a hateful hidden tax that affects above all the less well-off. It is right to fight it decisively” but “the simplistic recipe for the rate increase undertaken from the ECB does not appear in the eyes of many to be the most correct path. The increase in prices is not the result of an economy that grows too quickly but of endogenous factors, first of all the energy crisis. One cannot fail to consider the risk that the constant increase in rates is a more harmful cure than the disease”. “Raising rates can’t end up hitting our economies more than inflation,” she stressed.

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