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Electric cars, mandatory charging stations every 60 kilometres

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Electric cars, mandatory charging stations every 60 kilometres

New step towards the transition to the electric car sector. The Council and the EU Parliament have reached an initial agreement for the construction of electric and hydrogen recharging stations for cars and heavy vehicles on the main road networks of the countries of the Union. The European Parliament made it known.

Top-ups every 60 kilometres

Based on the agreement reached, charging stations for electric cars will have to be installed every 60 kilometers by 2026 on the main road axes indicated in the priority European transport networks (TEN-T). For heavy vehicles and buses, recharging stations must be installed every 120 kilometers by 2028. Hydrogen distribution systems must instead be installed every 200 kilometers by 2031. The agreement requires individual countries to present national plans for the achievement of the indicated objectives but also the possibility of exceptions for the most disadvantaged areas, islands and roads with little traffic. “The new rules – commented the EP rapporteur, the German socialist Ismail Ertug – will contribute to the creation of new infrastructures for alternative fuels without further delays and will ensure that the use and refueling of new generation cars is equally simple and convenient as for petrol vehicles”. The agreement, before becoming definitive, will now have to be examined and approved by the ambassadors of the 27 and by the Council as well as by the transport commission and the plenary of the European Parliament.

Electric car: which scenario from 2035

The supply chains of the endothermic engine car

Meanwhile, the doubts and fears of businesses about Brussels’ decision to close down on biofuels are growing. The hypothesis of an emptying of the Lombard districts, as a result of a possible stop to the sale of petrol and diesel cars, «is a topic that worries us a lot. We have said several times that we are in favor of technological neutrality because it is the comparison between technologies that makes us improve», said the president of Assolombarda, Alessandro Spada, on the sidelines of the meeting between local entrepreneurs and the governor Attilio Fontana during the General council of the association. “Allowing all technologies to be able to compete – he continues – is absolutely a priority, so we are uncomfortable and we are absolutely against certain European choices that are heavily penalizing both for our industry”. And this could in the long and medium term “create problems for all of Europe because we would all become dependent on the Chinese markets where, moreover, they build batteries with a very high percentage of carbon”.
After the agreement between the European Commission and Germany on e-fuels, he replies to a question, «Italy has started culpably late on biofuels. Unfortunately, the negotiation seems closed, but I still hope that there is now a margin of possibility because we can still play an important role with regards to biofuels».

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