Home » Elon Musk meets French President Macron after party night

Elon Musk meets French President Macron after party night

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Elon Musk meets French President Macron after party night

Musk appeared unshaven when meeting Macron.

Elon Musk arrived unshaven for his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron after a night of drinking.

Hours before meeting Macron, he was seen at a party in Mexico and said he was “sleeping in the car.”

Macron met with Musk to discuss possible Tesla investments in France.

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Elon Musk appeared for his meeting with the French President Emmanuel Macron unshaven and trying to shake off the effects of a night of drinking.

Hours before his meeting with Macron at the Paris Presidential Palace on Monday, the tech mogul was seen dancing on the dance floor of a luxury resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexicothe sow let out, reported „The Telegraph“.

A tweet from The Telegraph shows the 51-year-old dancing in a crowded nightclub.

While he’d swapped his denim and t-shirt combo for a suit, Musk still seemed a bit drained from the night when he met Macron.

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He also jokingly told Macron that he had to “sleep in the car” before the meeting, The Telegraph reported.

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It’s not the first time Musk has admitted to sleeping in odd places. Earlier he said that he slept on the floor of the Tesla factoryto show that he worked hard and wasn’t “drinking mai tais on a tropical island”.

And earlier this year he admitted that he sometimes on a couch sleeps in the library at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco.

Macron talks to Musk about Tesla investments in France

The French leader met with Musk to talk to him about it investments in France to speak like „Reuters“ reported. Musk later explained to reporters that Tesla will make “significant investments” in France in the future, without giving a precise timetable.

“There is no announcement today, but I am very impressed by President Macron and the French government and how open they are to the industry,” said he the reporters.

Macron later met with about 200 business leaders in Versailles to discuss investing in France, Reuters reported.

The prime minister was recently criticized for interestage from 62 to 64, despite opposition.

However, Musk has previously spoken out in favor of his plans and said in a tweet on Jan. 20that “Macron does the difficult but right thing”.

“The retirement age of 62 was set when life expectancy was much shorter. It is impossible for a small number of workers to support a large number of retirees,” he added in his tweet.

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