Home » Enel Assembly, Treasury list wins: Scaroni president, Cattaneo ad

Enel Assembly, Treasury list wins: Scaroni president, Cattaneo ad

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Enel Assembly, Treasury list wins: Scaroni president, Cattaneo ad

Enel assembly, no director from Covalis

Nothing blitz dell’hedge fund Covalis Capital per l’Enel: to conquer the majority of votes, in the assembly that this afternoon renewed the advisewas the list submitted by Tesoro who obtained 49.10% of the votes: his 6 directors out of 9 including the managing director who will be Flavio Cattaneo. Second came the team of the committee of managers, under the aegis of Assogestioni, which received 43.49% of the votes. In the game of quotients it is not enough a Covalis 6.94% collected from the capital represented at the meeting: the fund therefore remains outside the board. Paul Scaroni was confirmed as chairman of the energy giant. According to what emerged from the meeting Enel closed the 2022 budget with a Net income of 5.4 billion euros and a dividend of 40 cents. In favor of the budget they voted 99.59% while in favor of dividing 98.89% voted. The assembly, with 98.49% in favour, approved the buyback plan up to 2 billion euros.

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