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“Escape from Forza Italia towards FdI-Lega, then the rebirth with the Catholics of the Democratic Party”

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“Escape from Forza Italia towards FdI-Lega, then the rebirth with the Catholics of the Democratic Party”

“Someone will pick up the Forza Italia symbol and relaunch it making it a conservative party”

A few words, a few lines, torn from the phone just as he is writing an article on the death of Silvio Berlusconi. A few lines which, however, say a lot about what will happen now in Forza Italia and in Italian politics in general after the disappearance of the founder of the centre-right.

Luigi Bisignaniwhich has just been released in bookstores with “The powerful in the time of Giorgia” written together with Paolo Madron and presented at the recent Trento Festival of Economics, bluntly states to Affaritaliani.it that “once the emotion and condolences for Berlusconi’s death have passed, there will be a general flight of local parliamentarians and leaders partly towards the Brothers of Italy and partly towards the League”.

“Waiting – explains Bisignani again – for someone to pick up the Forza Italia symbol and relaunch it making it a conservative party probably aggregating forces that are uncomfortable in Parliament. I am thinking, for example, of the Catholic part of the Democratic Party and of the whole world that revolves around Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda “, he concludes.

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