Home » Fabio Fazio saves a chocolate factory in Varazze from closing

Fabio Fazio saves a chocolate factory in Varazze from closing

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Fabio Fazio saves a chocolate factory in Varazze from closing

With a video on Instagram, the conductor Fabio Fazio announced that he had saved from closing a small company in Varazze that produces chocolate, linked to his childhood memories: “Once upon a time – he says – there was a small, very significant chocolate workshop for all the children born in Varazze or raised in Varazze like me, because my grandparents were there, who at every Easter and Christmas received a product from this small company ». Two years ago the company was about to close due to the difficulties linked to Covid: so, together with a partner, Fabio Fazio took over it: «It seemed to me that something could and should be done. Dealing with chocolate is perhaps the most beautiful and funniest thing there can be. Certainly it is a way to go back, to become children again », said the conductor, making an appointment for tomorrow.

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