Home » Father Georg, reverse on the Pope​: from Vespa “bela” like a little lamb

Father Georg, reverse on the Pope​: from Vespa “bela” like a little lamb

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Father Georg, reverse on the Pope​: from Vespa “bela” like a little lamb

Father Georg and Pope Francis (Lapresse)

Father Georg, lamb has returned to the fold

Easter is still far away but a lamb has returned to the fold and is bleating on live television in the Bruno Vespa strip “Five minutes”, immediately after the evening news 1, therefore in the maximum listening range. The high prelate has practically denied everything he had previously said, stating that it is – as usual – an invention of the perfidious journalists.

It’s about Father Georg Gaenswein, Pope Benedict XVI’s factotum assistant secretary that after his death -at the end of last year- he had fired flames and arrows at Pope Francis which had “halved” him in his role as Prefect of the Papal Household.

In practice, Pope Bergoglio had left him only the position and salary but she had explicitly told him that his professional work was no longer needed. This fact deeply grieved the high prelate who, however, had no choice but to carry out the order received and from that moment on he dedicated himself only to his Pope, that is to a German Benedict like him.

Father Georg and his book “Nothing but the truth”

But let’s go back to the recent past. We said that from the death of Benedict XVI Father Georg he was unleashed brandishing as a weapon the previews of his forthcoming book “Nothing but the truth” which evidently had been ready and packaged for some time and was just waiting for the right moment to let it out.

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The book contains very critical passages against Francis with a detailed account of the harassment suffered by the Argentine Pope such as the sentence: “You remain prefect but you won’t go back to work tomorrow”. When Georg complained about it to Benedetto he received a disarming answer: “I think Pope Francis no longer trusts me and wants you to be my guardian…”. In short, for Father Georg it was a question of assuming the role of apostolic carer, albeit of the highest level.

The thing – as mentioned – did not go down well with the high prelate who, however, had no choice but to look after his mentor. We were saying that Georg took advantage of the Christmas holidays to shoot at zero point against Pope Francis who immediately summoned him to the Vatican when his activities resumed and gave him a smooth and memorable knock during which the cries resounded in all the Sacred Palaces. From that moment Father Georg not only suddenly fell silent but rather became a very meek lamb submissive to the Holy Father which, among other things, had imposed an absolute silence on him. It was then that Georg contacted Marina Berlusconi in a now useless attempt to block the diffusion of the book which was now ready for distribution. Evidently the “conversation” with the Pope had had its effect and must have been extremely convincing.

In fact, the prelate is not yet old enough to retire but neither is he young enough to reinvent a professional life for himself and therefore he must be worried about his future and – evidently – he must have obtained satisfactory reassurances in some prestigious foreign nunciature or some assignment in the Curia Rome or even at the university level. In fact, he himself declared that in a few days “The Holy Father will let me know…”.

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