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FI, Berlusconi comes out: “Renzi comes to us, the time has come”

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FI, Berlusconi comes out: “Renzi comes to us, the time has come”

FI, Berlusconi and his succession. Knight strategy

Silvio Berlusconi has been home since St. Raphael after 44 days of hospitalization to fight the leukemia that has been afflicting him for two years now. The leader of the Azzurri, in his first interview after hospitalization shows that he has very clear ideas on the future of his party. “With the Democratic Party on the left and the sunset of the Third Pole, which died even before being born, the space in the center widens. And Come on Italy – explains Berlusconi to Corriere della Sera – he oversees it coherently. Because we are the only ones who are truly liberal, Christian, guarantor, pro-European, Atlanticist. ” But he also launches political signals. A Matthew Renzi let it be known that “often says the right things but until he draws the political consequences, choosing our halfit will not be possible to go beyond occasional convergences in parliament”. And he also announces a renovation of the party for the European elections.

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But in the interview there is also room for the affected. And thanks: “martha fascinates – continues Berlusconi to the Corriere – she surpassed herself, has been by my side with unparalleled care and dedication, which can only be explained by the great love that binds us. Many times I have had to ask her to rest and take care of herself, but he didn’t leave me even for a minute. My children, my brother, my friends have also been very close to me, every day. In difficult moments, the love of a family is truly the most important thing”. These the priorities of the country for Berlusconi: “We have to reform justicestreamline the bureaucracymodernize the infrastructure. In short, we must make Italy attractive for those who work and for those who create jobs. For the rest, we are already the most beautiful country in the world“.

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