Home » Fixed-term and call money: These banks pay more than 4 percent interest

Fixed-term and call money: These banks pay more than 4 percent interest

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Fixed-term and call money: These banks pay more than 4 percent interest

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If you don’t want to invest your money in a fixed manner and want to remain flexible, you should look around for a suitable call money account. Here, too, reasonable interest rates are now possible again.

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The highest interest rate for overnight money even comes from Germany. The BMW Bank pays new and existing customers 3.0 percent interest.


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BMW Bank’s offer is not limited in time. This is important because many banks are currently advertising even higher interest rates, which are only guaranteed for a few months. However, if you would switch accounts more frequently, you could still earn slightly higher interest income for overnight money.

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Are you wondering what fixed deposits and call money are and what are the advantages and disadvantages? We have summarized the most important questions and answers about savings deposits at banks for you here.

What is a call deposit account?

You should have two to three net salaries as a kind of nest egg to be able to cushion financial surprises. But where is the best place to store your savings? The answer: on the call money account.

The call money account offers a kind of secondary account in addition to the checking account – but with interest. Here you can build interest-bearing reserves, but transfer money to your main account within a day.

What advantages does daily money offer?

Storing money in the money market account makes sense from a number of perspectives. On the one hand you can quickly transfer money to your main account, on the other hand you are not constantly tempted to spend the savings again.

Furthermore, your assets in the call money account are protected up to 100,000 euros by the deposit guarantee. This applies to all European and German banks.

What are the disadvantages of investing money?

However, due to the higher liquidity, the interest rates for overnight money are not yet too high at all banks. Savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are rich Interest charges not always passed on to their customers. It may therefore be necessary to open an account at another bank in addition to the house bank.

The call money account is not the only form of investment. Because: With fixed-term deposits, the interest rates are significantly higher. So if you have your Nest egg saved you should rather invest the excess money as a fixed deposit.

How can I invest daily money?

In order to be able to create overnight money, you need an overnight money account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link. With some banks it is necessary to open a checking account in addition to the call money account.

What is Fixed Deposit?

fixed deposit is a form of investing in a bank. You deposit a certain amount of money at the bank for a predetermined period of time and receive annual fixed interest.

You can decide how long you put money aside. Investment periods of six, twelve or twenty-four months are common. But several years are also possible. The longer you put the money aside, the higher they usually fall Interest charges out of. However, the further development of interest rates can hardly be predicted, which is why you should rather avoid maturities of more than three years.

What advantages does fixed deposit offer?

Fixed-term deposits are considered to be a very safe form of investment. Because: Up to 100,000 Euro are covered by deposit protection at German and European banks. If your bank goes bankrupt, you get back up to 100,000 euros. If you have more than 100,000 euros in savings, you can spread the money across different banks and benefit from deposit protection at every bank.

Another advantage is the high interest on fixed deposits, which some banks are now offering again. A year ago, an interest rate of more than three percent for a one-year fixed deposit was unthinkable. Also: Banks in other European countries usually offer higher interest rates.

What are the disadvantages of investing in fixed deposits?

Compared to per diem you cannot access your money with the fixed deposit. It is not available to you for the duration of the agreed time frame, or only for a very high fee.

You should definitely keep this in mind if you want to invest your assets in a fixed-term deposit account. It is therefore not suitable as a reserve for an emergency fund.

How can I invest fixed deposit?

In order to be able to create a fixed-term deposit, you need a fixed-term deposit account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link.


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Again, the German banks pay a little less for one-year time deposits. At Akbank you get the highest interest rate of 3.6 percent.


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If you don’t want to invest your money in a fixed manner and want to remain flexible, you should look around for a suitable call money account. Here, too, reasonable interest rates are now possible again.

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The highest interest rate for overnight money even comes from Germany. The BMW Bank pays new and existing customers 3.0 percent interest.


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BMW Bank’s offer is not limited in time. This is important because many banks are currently advertising even higher interest rates, which are only guaranteed for a few months. However, if you would switch accounts more frequently, you could still earn slightly higher interest income for overnight money.

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Are you wondering what fixed deposits and call money are and what are the advantages and disadvantages? We have summarized the most important questions and answers about savings deposits at banks for you here.

What is a call deposit account?

You should have two to three net salaries as a kind of nest egg to be able to cushion financial surprises. But where is the best place to store your savings? The answer: on the call money account.

The call money account offers a kind of secondary account in addition to the checking account – but with interest. Here you can build interest-bearing reserves, but transfer money to your main account within a day.

What advantages does daily money offer?

Storing money in the money market account makes sense from a number of perspectives. On the one hand you can quickly transfer money to your main account, on the other hand you are not constantly tempted to spend the savings again.

Furthermore, your assets in the call money account are protected up to 100,000 euros by the deposit guarantee. This applies to all European and German banks.

What are the disadvantages of investing money?

However, due to the higher liquidity, the interest rates for overnight money are not yet too high at all banks. Savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are rich Interest charges not always passed on to their customers. It may therefore be necessary to open an account at another bank in addition to the house bank.

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The call money account is not the only form of investment. Because: With fixed-term deposits, the interest rates are significantly higher. So if you have your Nest egg saved you should rather invest the excess money as a fixed deposit.

How can I invest daily money?

In order to be able to create overnight money, you need an overnight money account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link. With some banks it is necessary to open a checking account in addition to the call money account.

What is Fixed Deposit?

fixed deposit is a form of investing in a bank. You deposit a certain amount of money at the bank for a predetermined period of time and receive annual fixed interest.

You can decide how long you put money aside. Investment periods of six, twelve or twenty-four months are common. But several years are also possible. The longer you put the money aside, the higher they usually fall Interest charges out of. However, the further development of interest rates can hardly be predicted, which is why you should rather avoid maturities of more than three years.

What advantages does fixed deposit offer?

Fixed-term deposits are considered to be a very safe form of investment. Because: Up to 100,000 Euro are covered by deposit protection at German and European banks. If your bank goes bankrupt, you get back up to 100,000 euros. If you have more than 100,000 euros in savings, you can spread the money across different banks and benefit from deposit protection at every bank.

Another advantage is the high interest on fixed deposits, which some banks are now offering again. A year ago, an interest rate of more than three percent for a one-year fixed deposit was unthinkable. Also: Banks in other European countries usually offer higher interest rates.

What are the disadvantages of investing in fixed deposits?

Compared to per diem you cannot access your money with the fixed deposit. It is not available to you for the duration of the agreed time frame, or only for a very high fee.

You should definitely keep this in mind if you want to invest your assets in a fixed-term deposit account. It is therefore not suitable as a reserve for an emergency fund.

How can I invest fixed deposit?

In order to be able to create a fixed-term deposit, you need a fixed-term deposit account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link.


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Also 4.05 percent interest for one-year fixed deposit

There is a surprise with the one-year fixed deposit. Here several European banks pay you four percent or more. The one-year fixed deposit could even be more attractive than the two-year fixed deposit, because you remain flexible and could do it again in a year invest. But you would have to rely on the fact that interest rates will still be at a similar level in a year’s time, or have risen.


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Again, the German banks pay a little less for one-year time deposits. At Akbank you get the highest interest rate of 3.6 percent.


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If you don’t want to invest your money in a fixed manner and want to remain flexible, you should look around for a suitable call money account. Here, too, reasonable interest rates are now possible again.

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The highest interest rate for overnight money even comes from Germany. The BMW Bank pays new and existing customers 3.0 percent interest.


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BMW Bank’s offer is not limited in time. This is important because many banks are currently advertising even higher interest rates, which are only guaranteed for a few months. However, if you would switch accounts more frequently, you could still earn slightly higher interest income for overnight money.

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Are you wondering what fixed deposits and call money are and what are the advantages and disadvantages? We have summarized the most important questions and answers about savings deposits at banks for you here.

What is a call deposit account?

You should have two to three net salaries as a kind of nest egg to be able to cushion financial surprises. But where is the best place to store your savings? The answer: on the call money account.

The call money account offers a kind of secondary account in addition to the checking account – but with interest. Here you can build interest-bearing reserves, but transfer money to your main account within a day.

What advantages does daily money offer?

Storing money in the money market account makes sense from a number of perspectives. On the one hand you can quickly transfer money to your main account, on the other hand you are not constantly tempted to spend the savings again.

Furthermore, your assets in the call money account are protected up to 100,000 euros by the deposit guarantee. This applies to all European and German banks.

What are the disadvantages of investing money?

However, due to the higher liquidity, the interest rates for overnight money are not yet too high at all banks. Savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are rich Interest charges not always passed on to their customers. It may therefore be necessary to open an account at another bank in addition to the house bank.

The call money account is not the only form of investment. Because: With fixed-term deposits, the interest rates are significantly higher. So if you have your Nest egg saved you should rather invest the excess money as a fixed deposit.

How can I invest daily money?

In order to be able to create overnight money, you need an overnight money account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link. With some banks it is necessary to open a checking account in addition to the call money account.

What is Fixed Deposit?

fixed deposit is a form of investing in a bank. You deposit a certain amount of money at the bank for a predetermined period of time and receive annual fixed interest.

You can decide how long you put money aside. Investment periods of six, twelve or twenty-four months are common. But several years are also possible. The longer you put the money aside, the higher they usually fall Interest charges out of. However, the further development of interest rates can hardly be predicted, which is why you should rather avoid maturities of more than three years.

What advantages does fixed deposit offer?

Fixed-term deposits are considered to be a very safe form of investment. Because: Up to 100,000 Euro are covered by deposit protection at German and European banks. If your bank goes bankrupt, you get back up to 100,000 euros. If you have more than 100,000 euros in savings, you can spread the money across different banks and benefit from deposit protection at every bank.

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Another advantage is the high interest on fixed deposits, which some banks are now offering again. A year ago, an interest rate of more than three percent for a one-year fixed deposit was unthinkable. Also: Banks in other European countries usually offer higher interest rates.

What are the disadvantages of investing in fixed deposits?

Compared to per diem you cannot access your money with the fixed deposit. It is not available to you for the duration of the agreed time frame, or only for a very high fee.

You should definitely keep this in mind if you want to invest your assets in a fixed-term deposit account. It is therefore not suitable as a reserve for an emergency fund.

How can I invest fixed deposit?

In order to be able to create a fixed-term deposit, you need a fixed-term deposit account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link.


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By the way: also for European ones Banks you benefit from deposit insurance. Up to 100,000 euros are insured per bank.

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If you still prefer to invest your money in a bank in Germany, you have to accept slightly lower interest rates. In Deutschland At 3.85 percent, Aareal Bank from Wiesbaden pays the highest interest rate on a two-year fixed deposit. Followed by Peac Bank, which pays you 3.8 percent interest.


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Also 4.05 percent interest for one-year fixed deposit

There is a surprise with the one-year fixed deposit. Here several European banks pay you four percent or more. The one-year fixed deposit could even be more attractive than the two-year fixed deposit, because you remain flexible and could do it again in a year invest. But you would have to rely on the fact that interest rates will still be at a similar level in a year’s time, or have risen.


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Again, the German banks pay a little less for one-year time deposits. At Akbank you get the highest interest rate of 3.6 percent.


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If you don’t want to invest your money in a fixed manner and want to remain flexible, you should look around for a suitable call money account. Here, too, reasonable interest rates are now possible again.

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The highest interest rate for overnight money even comes from Germany. The BMW Bank pays new and existing customers 3.0 percent interest.


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BMW Bank’s offer is not limited in time. This is important because many banks are currently advertising even higher interest rates, which are only guaranteed for a few months. However, if you would switch accounts more frequently, you could still earn slightly higher interest income for overnight money.

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Are you wondering what fixed deposits and call money are and what are the advantages and disadvantages? We have summarized the most important questions and answers about savings deposits at banks for you here.

What is a call deposit account?

You should have two to three net salaries as a kind of nest egg to be able to cushion financial surprises. But where is the best place to store your savings? The answer: on the call money account.

The call money account offers a kind of secondary account in addition to the checking account – but with interest. Here you can build interest-bearing reserves, but transfer money to your main account within a day.

What advantages does daily money offer?

Storing money in the money market account makes sense from a number of perspectives. On the one hand you can quickly transfer money to your main account, on the other hand you are not constantly tempted to spend the savings again.

Furthermore, your assets in the call money account are protected up to 100,000 euros by the deposit guarantee. This applies to all European and German banks.

What are the disadvantages of investing money?

However, due to the higher liquidity, the interest rates for overnight money are not yet too high at all banks. Savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are rich Interest charges not always passed on to their customers. It may therefore be necessary to open an account at another bank in addition to the house bank.

The call money account is not the only form of investment. Because: With fixed-term deposits, the interest rates are significantly higher. So if you have your Nest egg saved you should rather invest the excess money as a fixed deposit.

How can I invest daily money?

In order to be able to create overnight money, you need an overnight money account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link. With some banks it is necessary to open a checking account in addition to the call money account.

What is Fixed Deposit?

fixed deposit is a form of investing in a bank. You deposit a certain amount of money at the bank for a predetermined period of time and receive annual fixed interest.

You can decide how long you put money aside. Investment periods of six, twelve or twenty-four months are common. But several years are also possible. The longer you put the money aside, the higher they usually fall Interest charges out of. However, the further development of interest rates can hardly be predicted, which is why you should rather avoid maturities of more than three years.

What advantages does fixed deposit offer?

Fixed-term deposits are considered to be a very safe form of investment. Because: Up to 100,000 Euro are covered by deposit protection at German and European banks. If your bank goes bankrupt, you get back up to 100,000 euros. If you have more than 100,000 euros in savings, you can spread the money across different banks and benefit from deposit protection at every bank.

Another advantage is the high interest on fixed deposits, which some banks are now offering again. A year ago, an interest rate of more than three percent for a one-year fixed deposit was unthinkable. Also: Banks in other European countries usually offer higher interest rates.

What are the disadvantages of investing in fixed deposits?

Compared to per diem you cannot access your money with the fixed deposit. It is not available to you for the duration of the agreed time frame, or only for a very high fee.

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You should definitely keep this in mind if you want to invest your assets in a fixed-term deposit account. It is therefore not suitable as a reserve for an emergency fund.

How can I invest fixed deposit?

In order to be able to create a fixed-term deposit, you need a fixed-term deposit account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link.

Interest rates continue to rise in June.
Getty Images, Collage: Dominik Schmitt

Many banks raised interest rates again in June. You can now earn more than four percent interest on fixed deposits.

But the interest rate rally is also continuing for overnight money. There’s three percent interest in here.

Verivox has evaluated which bank offers the highest interest rates for Business Insider. Read here where saving is worthwhile again.

Interest rates will continue to rise in June. Not only the European Central Bank (ECB) raised the key interest rate again on Thursday, and many banks have also continued to raise interest rates in recent weeks Interest charges. However, some banks are still reluctant to raise interest rates for their customers.

This shows an evaluation (as of June 15) of the comparison portal Verivox for Business Insider. “Fixed-term deposits bring in over four percent at the top,” says Oliver Maier, Managing Director of Verivox Finanzvergleich GmbH to Business Insider. At the per diem are now even three percent in it.

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But the interest rate rally is still going on in part savers completely over. “A good quarter of all Volksbanks and savings banks still offer no interest at all on the call money account,” says Maier. Changing banks can therefore be worthwhile again. You can read here which banks pay the highest interest rates.

These banks pay the highest interest rates

For two-year fixed deposits, you can now earn 4.05 percent interest on two-year fixed deposits at the Haitong Bank in Portugal. market peak in Europa. If you would invest 10,000 euros, you could expect interest income of 826 euros in two years.

In addition to Haitong Bank, there are three other banks in Europe that pay four percent or more.


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By the way: also for European ones Banks you benefit from deposit insurance. Up to 100,000 euros are insured per bank.

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If you still prefer to invest your money in a bank in Germany, you have to accept slightly lower interest rates. In Deutschland At 3.85 percent, Aareal Bank from Wiesbaden pays the highest interest rate on a two-year fixed deposit. Followed by Peac Bank, which pays you 3.8 percent interest.


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Also 4.05 percent interest for one-year fixed deposit

There is a surprise with the one-year fixed deposit. Here several European banks pay you four percent or more. The one-year fixed deposit could even be more attractive than the two-year fixed deposit, because you remain flexible and could do it again in a year invest. But you would have to rely on the fact that interest rates will still be at a similar level in a year’s time, or have risen.


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Again, the German banks pay a little less for one-year time deposits. At Akbank you get the highest interest rate of 3.6 percent.


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If you don’t want to invest your money in a fixed manner and want to remain flexible, you should look around for a suitable call money account. Here, too, reasonable interest rates are now possible again.

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The highest interest rate for overnight money even comes from Germany. The BMW Bank pays new and existing customers 3.0 percent interest.


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BMW Bank’s offer is not limited in time. This is important because many banks are currently advertising even higher interest rates, which are only guaranteed for a few months. However, if you would switch accounts more frequently, you could still earn slightly higher interest income for overnight money.

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Are you wondering what fixed deposits and call money are and what are the advantages and disadvantages? We have summarized the most important questions and answers about savings deposits at banks for you here.

What is a call deposit account?

You should have two to three net salaries as a kind of nest egg to be able to cushion financial surprises. But where is the best place to store your savings? The answer: on the call money account.

The call money account offers a kind of secondary account in addition to the checking account – but with interest. Here you can build interest-bearing reserves, but transfer money to your main account within a day.

What advantages does daily money offer?

Storing money in the money market account makes sense from a number of perspectives. On the one hand you can quickly transfer money to your main account, on the other hand you are not constantly tempted to spend the savings again.

Furthermore, your assets in the call money account are protected up to 100,000 euros by the deposit guarantee. This applies to all European and German banks.

What are the disadvantages of investing money?

However, due to the higher liquidity, the interest rates for overnight money are not yet too high at all banks. Savings banks and cooperative banks in particular are rich Interest charges not always passed on to their customers. It may therefore be necessary to open an account at another bank in addition to the house bank.

The call money account is not the only form of investment. Because: With fixed-term deposits, the interest rates are significantly higher. So if you have your Nest egg saved you should rather invest the excess money as a fixed deposit.

How can I invest daily money?

In order to be able to create overnight money, you need an overnight money account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link. With some banks it is necessary to open a checking account in addition to the call money account.

What is Fixed Deposit?

fixed deposit is a form of investing in a bank. You deposit a certain amount of money at the bank for a predetermined period of time and receive annual fixed interest.

You can decide how long you put money aside. Investment periods of six, twelve or twenty-four months are common. But several years are also possible. The longer you put the money aside, the higher they usually fall Interest charges out of. However, the further development of interest rates can hardly be predicted, which is why you should rather avoid maturities of more than three years.

What advantages does fixed deposit offer?

Fixed-term deposits are considered to be a very safe form of investment. Because: Up to 100,000 Euro are covered by deposit protection at German and European banks. If your bank goes bankrupt, you get back up to 100,000 euros. If you have more than 100,000 euros in savings, you can spread the money across different banks and benefit from deposit protection at every bank.

Another advantage is the high interest on fixed deposits, which some banks are now offering again. A year ago, an interest rate of more than three percent for a one-year fixed deposit was unthinkable. Also: Banks in other European countries usually offer higher interest rates.

What are the disadvantages of investing in fixed deposits?

Compared to per diem you cannot access your money with the fixed deposit. It is not available to you for the duration of the agreed time frame, or only for a very high fee.

You should definitely keep this in mind if you want to invest your assets in a fixed-term deposit account. It is therefore not suitable as a reserve for an emergency fund.

How can I invest fixed deposit?

In order to be able to create a fixed-term deposit, you need a fixed-term deposit account with the selected bank. This can now be opened online at most banks. Identification then takes place via video link.

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