Home » Graviano as a fugitive in Milan 3 under the attic of Confalonieri. The report Dia

Graviano as a fugitive in Milan 3 under the attic of Confalonieri. The report Dia

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Graviano as a fugitive in Milan 3 under the attic of Confalonieri.  The report Dia

Fedele Confalonieri and Silvio Berlusconi (LaPresse)

The links between Graviano, Milano3 and the Berlusconi galaxy

News on the always opaque interweaving between Giuseppe Graviano and the world around Fininvest. A story that has been talked about a lot since Baiardo’s revelations at Non è l’Arena, the following closure of Massimo Giletti’s program and, of course, the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro. Today the Fatto Quotidiano reports the content of the information of the Dia of 9 March 2022.

According to what Marco Lillo writes, Giuseppe Graviano used – according to his stories submitted to the feedback of the Dia – during the fugitive in 1993 an apartment in Milan 3″. According to Il Fatto, “Dia devotes a paragraph to an unprecedented circumstance and without any criminal relevance: another apartment in the same building was in those years owned by Fedele Confalonieri and his wife, who had bought it in May 1991 and immediately rented it, starting in September 1991, to a certain GM, without ever living there. A story that has nothing to do with Graviano”.

The owner, Corrado Cappellani, told Fatto (and Dia) that he did not know the tenants but rented through Edilnord, a company of the Berlusconi group that built Milano 3. The owner therefore would not have found him the tenant in 1993. Confalonieri’s penthouse, on the other hand, was a very different house from the small apartment described by the boss: sixth and top floor, nine rooms cadastral, 179 square meters plus terrace and garage. Then, after an examination that took a couple of pages, it was ‘discarded’ by the Dia”.

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As explained by the Fact, the circumstance has no criminal significance, “but it makes us think about Graviano’s attitude to always stay in areas where there was a sort of ‘perfume of Berlusconi‘. Reading the information from Dia that Il Fatto is publishing, it turns out that in 1993 Graviano organizes the Carnival in Venice when the Berlusconi group (Publitalia Grandi Eventi) organizes it and – according to Dia – there was also Marcello Dell’Utri in the city with other group managers; in early August he was in Forte dei Marmi, where Dell’Utri’s family members were on certain days for the Dia in August; then he goes to Sardinia, where between the end of August and the beginning of September Marcello appears. Now we discover that he is self-located in an apartment in Milano3, a residence that is the symbol of Berlusconi real estate. In short, Berlusconi had to be a fixed nail for the boss “, concludes the fact.

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