Home » Grillo returns with a post but the Pope gets it wrong: the comedian confuses Pius IX with Pius XI

Grillo returns with a post but the Pope gets it wrong: the comedian confuses Pius IX with Pius XI

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Grillo returns with a post but the Pope gets it wrong: the comedian confuses Pius IX with Pius XI

Grillo: the “Church of Elsewhere” returns

Cricket in a post by title “God’s belated media attack directly the Vatican but dad is wrong. In fact the Genoese comedian he says that “it will be necessary to review the pacts between the man of providence (Benito Mussolini, ed.) and Pius IX”.

Stuff from “Striscia la Notizia” because instead it’s about Pius XI and not of Pio IX who is instead a nineteenth-century pope. Grillo’s return was even less lucid than usual. The comedian appeared half-drunk, in a pink tank top with stacks of books in a very precarious balance in the background.

It certainly isn’t about history books, because otherwise he wouldn’t have committed it sensational gaffe and not even Physics, as we will see later.

On the merits he said that: “the Church takes four billion euros a year by the Italian State because it must maintain two and a half million employees it has a managing director (sic, ed.), it has a structure, tens of thousands of properties and then it also takes one billion and one hundred eight per thousand without the knowledge of the Italians. So a little bit of changes are needed, we should tell the Pope if there was a journalist capable of doing so.”

Then he leaves the sghei and moves on to theology:

“Also because today we no longer believe in anything and therefore we risk believing in everything (even the Five Star Movement, ed.). I read a book by Saint Augustine from 392 -but it seems written today- on the usefulness of believing. He says that ‘you can’t disbelieve the things you don’t see’. Today God has disappeared…neurotheologicals tell us that we are genetically predisposed for prayer. And so there is something, someone gave us this possibility but where is God? God appeared a while ago and then disappeared and then reappears every now and then.

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Does God play with us? Did he realize that he did something wrong? We are older than God (sic, ed.), we must reflect, that’s why I did the Elsewhere, a philosophical religion, there was Newton who was denied by Einstein then there was Quantum which denied Einstein now there are superstrings, parallel universes, black holes, billions of planets, it is possible that there is no intelligent intelligence precisely because there is no does it show itself to us? Will it be safe and where do we place God? If he wasn’t there there would be no Beethoven, art, painting, Leonardo da Vinci. And now there is an algorithm. The Elsewhere is asking the question of why God plays games with us.”

In short Grillo made the usual minestrone of everything, filled with the usual superficiality and quite a few errors. Because it’s not just the exchange of Popes. The Genoese comedian says that Einstein proved Newton wrong, nothing could be more false. Einstein with his Special and General Relativity simply completed Newton’s work by extending it to cases of speed close to that of light and “strong” gravity. And then it is not true that Quantum, as Grillo calls it, Einstein proved it wrong. Far from it. In fact, the German scientist himself was the main developer of quantum mechanics.

The “Altrove” on the other hand, is a product created by the Genoese a few years ago. We don’t know what it is, a “philosophical religion” he tells us, but as for the Five stars with the “non-program program”, it is a “non-religion religion” which is just yet another commercial to probably launch another tour, given that the pocket money he receives is not enough Giuseppe Conte.

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However we talked about it about a year ago here:

READ ALSO: Cryptic messages, Grillo starts again. His origin in the Church of the SubGenius

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