Home » Health – Hemp Association sees need for improvement in cannabis legalization

Health – Hemp Association sees need for improvement in cannabis legalization

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Health – Hemp Association sees need for improvement in cannabis legalization


Berlin (German news agency) – Before the cabinet is scheduled to deal with cannabis legalization in the coming week, the German Hemp Association has criticized the draft law. “We hope that poorly crafted content of the law will be changed in the parliamentary process at the latest,” said Simon Kraushaar, spokesman for the association, of the “Rheinische Post” (Thursday edition).

This applies, for example, to the plans to allow criminal law to take effect even in the event of the smallest exceeding of the hitherto very rigid amounts of possession. “An administrative offense would be the better way from our point of view,” says Kraushaar. In addition, the previously planned distance regulations for daycare centers, schools and playgrounds are unrealistic and practically impossible to implement. Minister of Health Lauterbach warned against cannabis consumption before the age of 25 this week and announced an information campaign. The hemp association sees this as late. “We very much welcome the planned campaign to educate people about the risks of cannabis consumption. However, from our point of view, they should have started much earlier,” said spokesman Simon Kraushaar. “In the past few months, the Federal Center for Health Education could have been using newly designed materials to inform schools about the dangers and possibilities of harm reduction, so that young adults are informed when legalization comes,” says Kraushaar.


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