Home » Improve Your Corn Crop Yield With These Expert Tips

Improve Your Corn Crop Yield With These Expert Tips

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Improve Your Corn Crop Yield With These Expert Tips

Corn is a staple crop for farmers across the world. It can be used to produce sweet corn, popcorn, and many other types of food. In order to have a successful harvest, you need to make sure that your soil is fertile and well-draining. Here are some tips on how you can improve your corn yield! 

1. Plant right, and plant on time


If your corn isn’t planted at the right time, it won’t grow to its full potential. You need to plant early enough so that the seedlings can develop but not too early because you want to avoid cold weather! If you plant too early, your bushel calculator for corn will not show you the numbers you want to see, and your crops will be more susceptible to frost damage when the weather becomes suddenly colder later in the spring. You should always fertilize right before the corn is about to be planted, but you should also include other vegetables in your crop rotation so that you can use their waste as fertilizer for next year. This step will help maintain an optimal level of nitrogen in the soil and improve nutrient availability to plants and soil microorganisms. Sometimes the amount of nitrogen in the soil isn’t enough for an optimal crop yield, and fertilizers can help to supplement this! There are many different varieties of corn, so make sure to choose one that will thrive in the environment where you live. For example, if you live somewhere with mild summers and cold winters, you’ll have better results growing frost-tolerant corn rather than heat-loving corn!

2. Use compost as fertilizer


Composting will help keep your soil healthy by adding nutrients back into it. You don’t want too much nitrogen in the form of organic matter because this could lead to foul-smelling gas emissions from bacteria breaking down cellulose in the ground which releases ammonia as a byproduct! The right balance of nitrogen should be about 25-30%, so if you’re unsure about how much compost you should be adding, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Be careful not to add too much organic matter because this could affect your soil drainage, making it so that your soil can’t hold water. If this happens, you’ll have to wait until the excess organic matter is broken down before planting any crops in that area. 

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3. Add organic mulch and use cover crops

Organic mulch can help protect your soil from erosion and improve drainage. Mulching also helps to reduce water loss, weed growth, and nutrient leaching. Some types of organic materials that work well as mulches are straw, pine needles, grass clippings, wood chips, sawdust, etc. Cover crops are plants that you grow to protect and improve your soil. Some of the most used ones for this region include winter rye, red clover, triticale, barley, and wheat. 

4. Use high-quality corn seed


Be sure that your corn seed is certified to be free of genetic impurities and disease since these will negatively affect growth and yield! There are many different variances of corn seed that you can purchase. Be sure to buy the best quality seed because you’re less likely to have poor corn crops and it’s an investment in your business. By using certified and pure corn seed, you’ll also be assuring yourself of a better yield, which is something we all want!

5. Get to know the best time to harvest your crops


You might have heard that there’s a “best” time to plant certain vegetables, fruits, or flowers for maximum growth. Timing is everything! When you’re trying to grow corn, you should plan on harvesting it about 150 days after planting. If you leave the corn in the ground too long, it will start to become tough and you’ll lose your yield! If this happens, make sure to contact the seed company that you bought the seeds from for more information on the next steps. After harvesting your corn, leave it out in the field for an additional 2-3 days before putting it into storage to avoid spoilage. You should always store your harvested corn in a cool, dry place for maximum freshness.

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6. Use drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is a more efficient way to water your crops because it ensures the right amount of water is given to each plant evenly. It decreases the amount of evaporation and waste and also gives each plant exactly the right amount of water it needs. With this method, you’ll have less evaporation and waste! By using the best watering methods that are available, you can improve your corn yield by up to 50%. Watering your plants is essential to their growth. If you don’t water them enough, they’ll slow down production. Be sure to water regularly to maintain an optimal level of moisture in the soil!

7. Find ways to reduce crop damage


Plant breeders will create corn with certain characteristics based on variables such as growing environment and season length. You might find that certain types of corn don’t grow as well in your region, so you might need to either plant other types of corn or look for ways to manage the factors that negatively impact growth. For example, if your area experiences heavy rainfall during the spring growing season, this could negatively impact your crop yield by causing soil erosion and runoff. You can better prepare for these changes by planting corn varieties that are more tolerant to the local environment and soil conditions.

8. Harvest at the right time!

When you harvest your crops, make sure that they’re ready. With corn, the silks need to turn brown before harvesting so that you can be sure that your yield will be more plentiful. You don’t want to harvest your corn too early, because it won’t be fully grown. By harvesting your crops at the right time, you’re ensuring that you’ll have harvested them when they’re perfectly ripe and full of nutrients!

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As you can see, there are many things that go into increasing your corn crop yield. You might not know where to start or what you should do next! Luckily for you, we’re here to help. We’ve provided expert tips on everything from choosing the right type of corn seed to how best to store and harvest your crops once they’re ready. By following these steps closely (and by planting good quality seeds), both novice farmers and seasoned veterans alike will be able to increase their yields with less effort, which is something everyone wants in this competitive market! 

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