Home » Industry: + 3.6% turnover in August, + 23.1% on an annual basis

Industry: + 3.6% turnover in August, + 23.1% on an annual basis

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Industry: + 3.6% turnover in August, + 23.1% on an annual basis

Industry turnover in August grew by 3.6% compared to July, by 23.1% compared to the same period last year. Istat estimates it, which observes a positive trend on both markets (+ 3.4% on the domestic one and + 3.8% on the foreign one). In the quarter June-August 2022 the overall index grew by 2.6% compared to the previous quarter (+ 2.7% on the domestic market and + 2.4% on the foreign market).

Highest level since 2000

In the comment, Istat underlines the resumption of growth in economic terms, after the slight setbacks of the previous two months, with the index reaching its highest level since the beginning of the historical series (January 2000). However, if we consider the volume indicator relating to the manufacturing sector, the trend is “much less pronounced”.

Capital goods + 6%

In detail, Istat indicates that in August the seasonally adjusted indices of turnover mark a monthly increase for capital goods (+ 6%), for consumer goods (+ 4.3%) and for intermediates (+ 3.0%). ), while there was a decline in energy (-4.2%). Total turnover, corrected for calendar effects, grew by 23.1% compared to the same period last year, with increases of 22.9% on the domestic market and 23.5% on the foreign market. The working days were 22 as in August 2021.

Increases for energy

As regards the indexes corrected for calendar effects referring to the main groupings of industries, there are very marked trend increases for energy (+ 53.2%), more contained for consumer goods (+ 22.8%) , capital goods (+ 19.4%) and intermediate goods (+ 18.7%). All sectors of economic activity, the Institute of Statistics still writes, show sustained trend growth. With reference to the manufacturing sector, in August it is estimated that the seasonally adjusted index of turnover in volume will record an increase in economic terms (+ 2.9%). Adjusted for calendar effects, the volume of turnover for the manufacturing sector grows in trend terms by 7.7%, with a much smaller increase than that in value (+ 23.0%).

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