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Italy and foreign policy: a collective commitment

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Italy and foreign policy: a collective commitment

We publish the transcript of the video message sent by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani to the Istituto Affari Internazionali, on the occasion of the presentation of the IAI Report on Foreign Policy 2022

I thank the Istituto Affari Internazionali, the president Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and the director Nathalie Tocci for the invitation to present the annual report on Italy’s foreign policy. Unfortunately previous institutional commitments do not allow me to be with you but I want to share some basic reflections on the government’s foreign policy.

2022 was marked byRussian aggression in Ukraine and its serious consequences: first and foremost for Europe and globally, but also from energy crisis and food. The Italian government has a very clear position on this: we stand on the side of the freedom of Ukraine, international law, Europe, NATO and the West. Our goal is a just peace that respects the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and the United Nations Charter. With Allies and partners, our support for Ukraine and its people is united and determined, in defense of the values ​​that define our identity: democracy, freedom, human rights. Ours is anchored on these same principles membership of united Europe and the Atlantic Alliance, polar stars of Italian foreign policy. And also our action to build partnerships around the world.

In Brussels, as the report acknowledges, this government immediately made efforts to make Italy’s action even more incisive. Because it is in Europe that actions that directly affect internal politics are decided, on the life of citizens and businesses, from energy to the migration issue, on which we need a common response and management at European level. Our contribution to NATO is also fundamental, also in support of a strategic partnership between the Alliance and the European Union, so that Europe is an actor of stability and peace throughout the world.

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We want to make relations with the partners ever more in-depth and dynamic United States, 360 degrees. Just in the next few days I will be in New York for economic meetings at a multilateral level. We have relaunched Italy’s political commitment to the stabilization and European integration of the Balkan countriesat a time when disillusionment and regional tensions risk alienating them from a united Europe.

We put the Enlarged Mediterranean and Africawhere we are committed to implementing what we have called the “Mattei Plan”, an initiative that is part of a broader “European Marshall Plan” of investments for Africa, to address the root causes of instability, terrorism, irregular migration.

Italy’s commitment is constant: only in the last two months have I traveled, also together with government colleagues, to Belgrade, Prsitina, Athens, Ankara, Tunis, Cairo and most recently to Tripoli with Prime Minister Meloni. I will return to the Balkans in the next few weeks, in Rome I met the UN Special Representative for the Libya Batili, to reaffirm our full and convinced support for mediation of the United Nations to overcome the political-institutional stalemate with the aim of stabilizing the country.

A few days later I met the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed and the president of Somalia Assan Sheikh confirming the priority interest with which we look at the Horn of Africa as well as the stability of the Sahel. In recent weeks, at the Foreign Ministry, I met with the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations Amina Mohammed to whom I renewed Italy’s support for the organization of its humanitarian and development work, in the face of global challenges such as food insecurity . And it is in Rome, together with the UN agency, that we will host the follow-up event this summer on the summit dedicated to agro-food systems.

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We also pay close attention to theAmerica Latina, where the most numerous communities of compatriots reside. And all‘Asia-Pacificfor the opportunities that those markets offer to our export companies and for the growing strategic importance of that area.

The action of the government, in particular of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focuses on an integrated and choral strategy of diplomacy for growth, because foreign policy, I want to be clear, is not only made by diplomatic governments but also by Parliaments, our Armed Forces, businesses, associations, universities, students. This mosaic of initiatives allows us, as an Italian system, to build relationships of dialogue and partnership in the national interest of the stability and development of our partner countries; and to make Italy increasingly attractive in terms of investments, talents, tourist flows, to promote and protect our excellence, our values, our know-how throughout the world. Foreign policy is a common, collective work and all contributions, just like the Iai report, are essential to strengthen it and make it more effective.

Count on my commitment and that of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to always keep alive this relationship of dialogue and exchange with you.


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