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Judicial administration for the logistics giants Brt and Geodis

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Judicial administration for the logistics giants Brt and Geodis

Willing the judicial administration for a year for Brt e Geodisthe two giants of the logistics both controlled by two different French groups also state capital. The financiers of the provincial command of Milan are carrying out the two orders issued by Court of Milan at the request of the prosecutor. The decrees were issued after the investigations carried out by the economic and financial police unit of Milan which, initially, focused “on a complex tax fraud characterized by the use of invoices for legally non-existent transactions and the stipulation of fictitious procurement contracts that simulated the supply of manpower, in violation of sector regulations” and which have already led the District Anti-Mafia Directorate to order – last December – preventive preventive seizures for over 126 million eurosall subsequently validated by the investigating judge.

«Systematic exploitation of workers»

In the second part of the investigation directed by prosecutor Paolo Storari, the investigative attention was focused on the transport sector, “in which it emerged systematic exploitation of several thousand workers. The investigations “made it possible to ascertain that the clients, in order to offer themselves on the market with extremely competitive prices, taking advantage of the workers’ state of need, subjected them to exhausting working hours and rhythms, moreover underpaying them, as well as made them pass through a company to the other, effectively depriving them of the envisaged forms of welfare and social security protection» reads the note from the Finance Police.

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“As well as being unfavorable for workers, these practices were such as to influence correct market dynamics and fair competition to the detriment of companies which instead operate in a healthy manner”. The Court of Milan, “given the seriousness and persistence of the situations ascertained, the impressive size of the company in terms of turnover and workers employed”, deemed it necessary for the judicial authority to intervene to allow “control over the governing bodies» of the two multinationals.

“In the event of an accident, not even an ambulance”

In case of “accidents at work» Brt avoided «calling the ambulance and the injured person” was “taken to the hospital by one trusted person». The judges of the Prevention Measures Section of Milan write it in the decree with which the judicial administration was ordered for illegal hiring of the company, leader in deliveries in Italy.

Another provision was carried out against Geodis, another company in the logistics sector. In fact, the provision of the judges (Rispoli-Cernuto-Spagnuolo Vigorita) summarizes the verbal declarations of dozens of workers who would have been exploited, through a system of cooperatives in relations with Brt.

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