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Karaoke Meloni-Salvini, firefight Sallusti-Scanzi. VIDEO

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Karaoke Meloni-Salvini, firefight Sallusti-Scanzi.  VIDEO

Karaoke Meloni-Salvini, it’s still stormy: WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE SALLUSTI-SCANZI CLASH

“There was a moment of celebration. We want to criminalize this thing? Io I do not understand where is the crime”. The director of Libero Alessandro Sallusti thus justifies the karaoke between the premier Giorgia Meloni and the Northern League Matthew Salvini occurred on the occasion of his 50th birthday. At the birthday party of the Minister of Infrastructure, the day after the press conference a Cutrotheater of the tragedy of migrants at sea, the two in fact duet singing the song of Marinella by Fabrizio De Andrè, unleashing a rain of social controversies and more.

Sallusti, a guest at Otto e Mezzo by Lilli Gruber, however is convinced of the good faith of Salvini and Meloni. “I understand that the Ukrainian soldiers in the evening, in the moments of rare pause in the conflict, they sing in the trenches surrounded by corpses and the Italians sang from their balconies during the covid massacre. Singing doesn’t offend anyone, it’s not a crime. It’s a normal stuff“.

The reply from the Fatto Quotidiano journalist Andrea Scanzi, who was also present in Gruber’s studio, was not long in coming: “I am one of those who is was horrified by that videobut not because Salvini and Meloni shouldn’t celebrate”. “The other wrong thing, Scanzi clarifies, is that the Meloni is not anyone, but the person who has not found the time to pay homage to the victims, who does not meet family members, find time to go to a party. Of course they can do it, but being a minister I would have avoided it”.

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