Home » Lega: “Veneto to us. The government is also under discussion”. Bombshell interview

Lega: “Veneto to us. The government is also under discussion”. Bombshell interview

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Lega: “Veneto to us. The government is also under discussion”.  Bombshell interview

“True autonomy and immediate or no premiership”

“We’re not even talking about it.” The response of Roberto Marcato, Councilor for Economic Development of the Veneto Region, true Northern League member and hard and pure federalist, interviewed by Affaritaliani.itto the words of Fratelli d’Italia who together with Senator Luca De Carlo claimed the leadership of Veneto in 2025 for the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “Even if I don’t have much faith, I hope that my party shows the muscles that we had until some time ago and are beautifully toned. It’s true that in the political elections we suffered a decline, but it’s equally true that in Veneto the League is the “the only party that has an expert political class that no one else has with great administrative experience. Let’s not confuse the consensus for the prime minister with the real consensus on the territory that we in the League, at least in Veneto, have built with many excellent administrators and regional councilors . We have charismatic figures like Zaia and Salvini but also many smart administrators that the other parties don’t have“.

Marcato has no doubts. “Veneto belongs to the League. Point, there is no discussion to be had. Anyone who imagines holding Roman negotiations on the heads of the Venetians does not understand and does not know what federalism and autonomy mean. In Veneto the Venetians decide. The national chessboard where a Governor moves here or there belongs to Roman dynamics that don’t interest us.”

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“On the regional negotiating table we will ask, regardless of how the third term match ends, that the candidacy in Veneto belongs to the League. We are of little interest in national logic. If the allies’ response is negative, at that point we will go to the elections alone with the League list, a Zaia list and other autonomist lists and then we measure ourselves and really see who gets the consensus in Veneto”, explains councilor Marcato.

Could there also be repercussions on the national government? Even an exit of the League from the executive and from the majority if the Brothers of Italy continued to say no to the third mandate for the Governors and no to a Northern League member in Veneto? “Why not. If there is an imposition, everything is called into question, in my opinion even staying in government. On the other hand, there are no covenants written on the tables of the law as if they were the Bible. We are in government to share a path and not to have choices imposed on us. It doesn’t even exist that we just suffer, we are allies, not subjects of Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia”.

Some also hypothesize repercussions on the constitutional reform that introduces the premiership, so dear to the prime minister and the Brothers of Italy… “If someone in government imagines that after 30 years of struggle for autonomy and a regional referendum that thrilled the Venetians, can drag on with a watered-down provision, we will respond by watering down the premiership. That’s how it works, simple. Let’s be clear: either there is true autonomy quickly or there is no premiership. Or do we want to do as with the 5 Stars who take home 110% and the citizen’s income and we only take a path towards autonomy? It does not work like that. Thats enough. Veneto wants to see results, immediately. We are no longer interested in negotiations, otherwise they will take home the premiership and we will only take promises. We don’t even talk about it. Unacceptable. Clear agreements and long friendship”, concludes Marcato.

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