Home » Liguria, boom in carers but fewer home helps: more than half of those who work are not in good standing

Liguria, boom in carers but fewer home helps: more than half of those who work are not in good standing

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In 2020, 4.3% of the Ligurian population was involved in domestic work: both domestic workers regularly hired (30,873, + 4.1% compared to 2019), and employers (33,738, +4, increased). 8%). Between salary, contributions and severance pay, the expenditure of Ligurian families in this sector reaches a total of 266 million, for an added value of 0.55 million euros.

These are the Istat and Inps data released in the 2021 report by the Domina association (National Association of Domestic Employer Families). Bearing in mind that, also according to Istat, almost 60% of domestic work takes place in an informal or irregular condition, domestic workers regularly hired by families in 2020 are 30,873, a net increase compared to 2019 (+4.1 %). Since 2015, these two types of workers have been following opposite trends: the number of carers is constantly growing, while home helps are constantly decreasing.

As regards the characteristics of the worker, the areas of greatest origin are Eastern Europe (30.6%), Italy (30.1%) and South America (27.8%). Small percentages concern Asia (5.9%), Africa (5.2%) and Western Europe (0.5%). The female gender is in clear prevalence (89.4%). The average age of the domestic worker is 49.4 years and earns an average of € 6,904 per year. As regards the weeks worked, the highest percentage is recorded in those who have not completed the working year (60.6%), ie those who have worked less than 50 weeks. 18.5% of workers work in cohabitation, but for the most part (81.5%) they are non-cohabiting workers. There is a greater number of carers (55.4%) than home helps (44.6%).

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As regards employers, in 2020 the families of employers also increased compared to 2019 (+ 4.8%): in total, 33,738. The employer has an average age of 62.6 years and is predominantly women (59%). The foreign component is minimal (4.8%). In total, in 2020, families in Liguria spent 266 million euros (salary, contributions, severance pay) on the remuneration of domestic workers. The added value produced by this category is worth approximately 0.55 million euros.

Regarding the distribution on the territory, in Liguria there are 20.4 workers per thousand inhabitants (an increase compared to 2020, when it was 19). Genoa is undoubtedly the main center: 63.2% of home helps and 59.1% of carers present in the region are concentrated. Also in relative terms, the capital records higher values ​​than the average as regards home helps (10.6 per thousand inhabitants, against a regional average of 9.1), while for carers the peak is recorded in La Spezia (12.9 every 100 elderly, regional average: 10.9). In Savona, there are 1,839 home helps (in 2019, they were 1,628) and 2,534 carers (in 2019, they were 2,416), respectively 13.4% and 14.8% of the regional total; in particular, in the Savona area there are 6.8 home helps per thousand inhabitants and 88 carers per thousand inhabitants (who take care of the elderly over 79 years old). In Imperia, 1,676 home helps (12.2%) and 1,722 carers (10.1%) work.

As regards incentives, the Liguria Region has allocated a regional fund for non self-sufficient people with the aim of supporting home care for non self-sufficient individuals. In addition, it is the leader of the European project “Over to Over”, which provides for the establishment of a public agency that helps the elderly who intend to continue living at home, sell the flat in bare ownership or divide the property to pay the expenses for their assistance. Looking at the demographic prospects, in 2050 there will be more elderly people (15.4%) than children (11.3%) in Liguria: in particular, an estimated 60,000 more elderly people (over 80) and 5,000 fewer children ( 0-14 years), values ​​that suggest a potential increase in the demand for carers. –

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