Home » Little game on Rome’s waste-to-energy plant: so Conte tries to divide the Democratic Party

Little game on Rome’s waste-to-energy plant: so Conte tries to divide the Democratic Party

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Little game on Rome’s waste-to-energy plant: so Conte tries to divide the Democratic Party

Conte had already played the trick in Draghi’s time and had brought down the government. Analyses

This story is really strange waste-to-energy plant to do in Rome. Not a single stone has been laid yet and he has already brought down a government, the Draghi one, and is preparing to split the Democratic Party in two. In fact, Giuseppe Conte is about to file an agenda that commits the Chamber to saying no to the Roman waste-to-energy plant. The trick Conte he had already done it in Draghi’s time and in fact had brought down the government, paving the way for the sensational victory of the center – right in general and Giorgia Meloni in particular.

Now, in fact, he’s trying again with a provision that exploits national visibility but is only functional for internal use to weaken and divide the new secretariat of the Democratic Party and the party as a whole. In fact, as you know, the waste-to-energy plant he is the workhorse of the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri who thanks to him won the municipal elections which saw the defeat of the former mayor Virginia Raggi who the Romans punished by relegating her to last place. Conte knows that the Democratic Party is divided between the extremist wing that does not want the plant and the down-to-earth one who knows that without the waste-to-energy plant Rome, the capital of Italy, will never be able to get out of the waste crisis.

Technically the former prime minister would link the odg to the decree Pnrr about to be converted to the Chamber and would also ask for the revocation of Gualtieri’s commissioner powers, naturally all to the detriment of Rome, but Conte does not care about this. From his side the slime he put an environmental expert, Annalisa Corrado, who has always been against the incinerator, in the secretariat.

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