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Massimo Giannini’s phenomenology: “they called him Jeeg Robot” and…

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Massimo Giannini’s phenomenology: “they called him Jeeg Robot” and…

Massimo Giannini (The Press)

Phenomenology by Massimo Giannini

Let’s take a cue from a nice news story that took place just a week ago in Turin. On the facade where the newspaper La Stampa is based, a giant golden Tapir was projected as a sign of solidarity for the journalists still forced to put up with their director, Massimo Giannini, which among other things is responsible for a slump in sales and that after having published an article full of inaccuracies a few months ago – so reports the Striscia la Notizia website – persists in denying the right of reply to the celebrated broadcast which by now in Italy has replaced the very concept of Justice in the collective imagination.

But who is Quinto Massimo Decimo Giannini, the gladiator of the news? He was born on the left in Rome and moved to Repubblica where he became deputy director and applied himself mainly to politics and economics. He doesn’t disdain TV and takes the place of Giovanni Floris on La7 where he hosts DiMartedì with embarrassing results.

When Carlo De Benedetti leaves Repubblica to his children and they sell it to the Agnellis, Giannini becomes director of La Stampa, but is forced to move to the hated Turin, leaving his beloved Rome. A real trauma for him who instead wanted to become the director of Repubblica right in the capital. The city of gianduiotti not only does not seduce him, but rather irritates him, accentuating some angular aspects of his character. Above all, the autumn mists of the North do not inspire him, he is used to the festivities of Noantri and the porchetta of Ariccia washed down with the wine of the Castelli. Moreover, in Turin there is Juventus (and Cazzullo) which for a Roman and Roma fan is always seen with smoke and mirrors.

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His physical features are statuesque, just like an ancient Roman. But more than Caesar he looks like some minor emperor and a bit of a geek, such as Commodus for example. His wrath in the editorial office was proverbial, preceded by the feared raising of an eyebrow. An indomitable progressive, he has all the negative characteristics of the vintage radical chic, of the convinced Capalbian. Superb attitude, stinks under the nose, perfect hair that looks like Captain Future aka Daniele De Rossi, he doesn’t have a hair out of place and always shows up in a suit and tie worse than Luigi Di Maio who will now hopefully come to more mild advice in the gulf.

Massimo Giannini knows everything and competes with ChatGPT

Giannini has aplomb in one piece and can be considered the prototype of that Artificial Intelligence that everyone is now talking about. He knows everything, knows everything, intervenes on every topic and worries the American developers of ChatGPT who see him as a dangerous competitor. He composes editorials, elzeviri,articoloni, articolesse, collects serial television appearances, worrying not only the IA, but also the more human Agnese Pini, director of an endless number of newspapers and magazines.

Giannini is irrepressible in the studio and you have to understand him – poor star – he knows everything and as soon as the interlocutor begins to speak, he knows what will be asked of him and – what is more important – he already knows the answer as well. And so he can’t contain himself and shivers and gets agitated worse than Calenda in the heat. The most conspiracy theorists say of him that it is proven proof that the Transhumanists had already come to Artificial Intelligence years ago and that he was implanted with a chip by a mad doctor in a shack on the Tiburtina.

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But they are only unconfirmed rumors.

He is a Cyborg of knowledge, in Rome “they called him Jeeg Robot” and took care of everything. And woe if there was a migrant, a non-EU citizen or a black trade unionist in (apparent) difficulty: he invited him, asked him questions and then he himself gave him the answers. All that remained was for the astonished guest to go back to picking tomatoes in the sunny fields of Puglia, trying to figure out where he had gone wrong. But it wasn’t his fault: he had only encountered the prototype of Artificial Intelligence.

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