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Meloni-Repubblica clash, Molinari: “Democracy? A test he cannot pass”

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Meloni-Repubblica clash, Molinari: “Democracy? A test he cannot pass”

Meloni-Repubblica clash. The Prime Minister: “Some titles make me laugh…”. Molinari: “Freedom of information”

Between Melons and the daily newspaper Republic it’s an open conflict. After the Prime Minister’s words against the newspaper editor John Elkann: “I don’t take lessons from those who sold Fiat to the French“, comes the reply from director Maurizio Molinari, and his is a strong attack against the Prime Minister. “Indicate in a newspaper, in its editors and readers, a public enemy means repeat behaviors of leaders of autocracies. The method and merit of these statements – says Molinari – describe a lack of respect and understanding for the freedom of information and therefore call into question the Prime Minister’s compliance with a principle protected by the Republican Constitution, on which the correct functioning of the democratic life. Which requires a head of government to address every question. This is a test that Meloni proves he is unable to pass“.

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These are the words of Meloni, on Quarta Repubblica on Rete4, which provoked the reaction of Molinari. “You made me smile a little,” said the prime minister from Porro, “the accusation came from Repubblica, with a front page on Italy “for sale”. That this accusation comes from the newspaper owned by those who took Fiat and sold it to the French”, says Meloni, “they moved the registered office and tax headquarters abroad, they put the sites of our historic companies up for sale Italian. I don’t know if the title was an autobiography but frankly, no lessons on the protection of Italianness from these pulpits.” The topic is privatizations – continues Repubblica – which are causing so much discussion, also because the prime minister – when she was in opposition – he had spared no attacks ferocious, without ever making a secret of being against it. And now, the air of Palazzo Chigi has made her change her mind. “In the economic budget document we we expect to earn 20 billion in 3 yearsa job that can be done with seriousness as I imagine it.”

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