Home » USA, Trump wins the Republican primaries in New Hampshire. Haley: “Congratulations, but the race is not over”

USA, Trump wins the Republican primaries in New Hampshire. Haley: “Congratulations, but the race is not over”

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USA, Trump wins the Republican primaries in New Hampshire.  Haley: “Congratulations, but the race is not over”

Manchester (New Hampshire) – Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primaries, but Nikki Haley has already announced that he won’t give up. The former president, however, declared that “the race is over”, urging the Republican Party to unite under his leadership to challenge the head of the White House Biden in the November 5 elections.

The results are not yet definitive, but the gap between the two seems destined to remain under 10%. So Trump did not repeat the landslide victory in Iowa, but he achieved his second consecutive success. In the past it has never happened that a Republican candidate won Iowa and New Hampshire, and was not chosen as the GOP candidate.

However, Haley achieved a better result than she could have expected just a couple of months ago, and therefore wants to continue the challenge. Certainly until the vote in South Carolina, the state of which she was governor, scheduled for February 24th. “New Hampshire,” she said, “is where the first primary vote is held, not the last. There are still many states that need to express their opinion, and we will put them in a position to do so.” Then he repeated that Trump is too old to be head of the White House, in recent days he confused her with Nancy Pelosi, and re-electing him would mean remaining anchored to the past, because his only interest is complaining about the presidential elections he lost in 2020 .

The truth is that Haley finds herself in a position that she wouldn’t have even dreamed of a few months ago, and so we understand why she hopes to still be able to change the dynamics of the vote. However, Trump achieved two clear victories, one by a landslide in Iowa, the other with a good majority in New Hampshire. The Republican base clearly wants it, and it won’t be easy for Nikki to change their minds.

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