Home » Motion of no confidence in Santanchè, harakiri of M5S and Pd. Pure tafazzism

Motion of no confidence in Santanchè, harakiri of M5S and Pd. Pure tafazzism

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Motion of no confidence in Santanchè, harakiri of M5S and Pd.  Pure tafazzism

Schlein and Conte at the CGIL demonstration

No-confidence motion in Santanchè, an incredible mistake in political strategy

A masterpiece. A masterpiece of masochism. Here is the meaning of the motion of no confidence of the M5S supported by the Democratic Party against the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanche. As the leader of the League well explained in the Senate Maximilian Romeothe motion of no confidence strengthened the minister, the government and divided the opposition (Azione and Italia Viva decided not to participate in the vote).

All while the reasons and dossiers of division in the majority are not lacking: from fiscal peace to alliances in view of the European elections via the next Budget Law. Instead of exploiting the fractures of the centre-right, Joseph Conte presents a useless no-confidence motion with Elly Schlein that follows by regrouping the government and the majority and losing along the way Charles Calenda with which they had just sewed up on minimum wage.

Incredible mistake of political strategy, also because Giorgia Meloni – as shown by ad Affaritaliani.it – had given a time trust to Santanchè, awaiting “judgment”, but with the harakiri move by M5S and Pd, the Minister of Tourism is now stronger. An excellent example of Tafazzism.

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