Home Ā» Pa decree, 3,000 hires in the draft. Stabilized the temporary workers of municipalities, provinces and regions

Pa decree, 3,000 hires in the draft. Stabilized the temporary workers of municipalities, provinces and regions

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Pa decree, 3,000 hires in the draft.  Stabilized the temporary workers of municipalities, provinces and regions

Recruitments in the Public Administration, stabilizations for those who have been working in the public sector for three years, the absorption of the Labor Inspectorate with the transfer of powers to the Ministry, which however denies and classifies the draft in circulation as “old”. These are some of the issues contained in the decree for the Public Administration, which only partially intersects with the need to strengthen the Pnrr machine that runs behind the delays in the execution of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Confirmed the commissioning of Formez, the in-house association of the PA that manages public competitions.

The decree with the “Urgent provisions for strengthening the administrative capacity of public administrations” is expected in the Council of Ministers, probably on Thursday. In the draft currently circulating there are interventions ranging from the strengthening of public administration and the administrative capacity of local authorities to urgent provisions for the functioning of the Italian League for the fight against cancer. Among other things, a monitoring of the reforms for the public administration is foreseen, and there are provisions regarding the public utility service of the 1500 number and safeguarding the employment levels necessary for its functioning, as well as changes to the discipline of the Special Envoy for climate change.

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3 thousand hires

The chapter of hiring worth about 3 thousand people. Around 1,700 are extraordinary and a thousand, between 2023 and 2026, for the forces of order. Scrolling through the tables attached to the draft, over a thousand are destined for the Ministries, including managers, officials and assistants: 301 for the Interior, 11 for Culture, 20 for Infrastructure, 210 for Foreign Affairs, 103 for Agriculture, 4 for the Environment, 4 to University and research, 2 to the Ministry for companies and made in Italy, 350 officials to the Labor one, 142 to Tourism, 49 to Health.

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Recruitment of support teachers from the rankings

The decree also provides that, “extraordinarily, exclusively for the 2023/2024 school year”, the support teacher positions that remain unfilled “after the entries in the role made under current legislation”, are assigned with a temporary contract determined for teachers included in the first band of the provincial rankings for substitute teachers, or in the additional lists to the first band to which those who obtain their specialization title by 30 June 2023 can enroll. Teachers can only be hired in the province in which they find in the ranking. Having completed the training course, and having passed the exam (a simulated lesson in front of the evaluation committee), the teacher is hired on a permanent basis.

Stabilization of precarious workers

There is also the provision regarding the stabilization of the precarious, which in this sense intercepts what is reported at the local level by the administrations. And, that is, that it is difficult to find qualified technicians to follow the Pnrr projects, considering that these are temporary jobs and these profiles prefer to take other paths. The stabilizations are allowed within the limit of the organic plan and with an interview. “The regions, provinces and municipalities, until 31 December 2026, can proceed, within the limits of the available places of the current staffing endowment, to stabilization, in the position held, after a selective interview and the outcome of the positive evaluation of the work activity carried out, of non-managerial personnel hired on a fixed-term basis who have served for at least 36 months. The recruitment of personnel referred to in this article is carried out on the basis of the recruitment powers of each administration available under the legislation in force at the time of stabilisation”, yes law in the draft.

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The Labor Inspectorate passes to the Ministry. “old draft”

Among the interventions present in the draft there is also the caesura on theNational Labor Inspectorate, whose competences are assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies through a reorganization into two departments called “Department for Labor and Social Policies” and “Department for Inspection Activities”. A passage which, however, is denied by the Ministry itself: the text in circulation is defined as “old” and outdated.

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The Formez police station

Formez, the in-house Public Administration body which manages a large part of the public tenders, is placed under the commissioner. The Head of the Department of Public Administration of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is appointed extraordinary commissioner with tasks of reorganization of the body within 60 days.

News also for environmental issues with the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation appointing “the special envoy for climate change” to participate in international events and negotiations on the subject. The figure will be chosen “even from among outsiders of the public administration and in possession of adequate professionalism and experience to hold the position” and will be “paid a fee determined by the Minister of the Environment and energy security, without prejudice to compliance with the limits established” by the 2011 decree which sets the maximum ceiling at 240 thousand euros.

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Then some measures for tourism return, and in particular theEnit set up as a company (Spa) with a capital endowment of 10 million euros, in the hands of the MEF. The objective is “to make the support activity carried out by ENIT – the National Agency for Tourism more effective and rational, taking into account the specificities of the sector and the potential of the national tourist offer, so as to enhance its attractiveness also through adequate forms of seasonal adjustment, diversification of the offer, targeted enhancement of structures and sites with a marked vocation towards these forms of tourist demand, as well as specialized training of service personnel and development of a digital ecosystem for the most efficient and rational use of the goods and services offered in these sectors”.

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