Home » Palazzo Chigi, Golden power on Pirelli to protect Cyber ​​sensors

Palazzo Chigi, Golden power on Pirelli to protect Cyber ​​sensors

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Palazzo Chigi, Golden power on Pirelli to protect Cyber ​​sensors

“The Government, in the meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 15, 2023, on the proposal of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, ordered the exercise of the special ‘golden power’ powers on the operation notified by China National Tire and Rubber Corporation, Ltd., concerning the shareholders’ agreement on the governance of the company Pirelli & CSpA». Palazzo Chigi makes it known. “The Government’s decision – it is explained -, in compliance with the principle of proportionality, provides for specific provisions for the protection of the strategic asset consisting of Cyber ​​sensors that can be implanted in the tyres”.

Government explanation
The government’s decision, in compliance with the principle of proportionality, provides for specific provisions for the protection of the strategic asset consisting of CYBER sensors that can be implanted in tyres. «These sensors – we read again – are able to collect vehicle data concerning, among other things, the road structures, the geolocation and the state of the infrastructures. The information collected in this way can be transmitted to cloud processing systems and super calculators for the creation, through artificial intelligence, of complex digital models that can be used in cutting-edge systems such as smart cities and digital twins. The relevance of this CYBER technology can be identified in a plurality of sectors: industrial automation, machine to machine communication, machine learning, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, critical technologies for sensors and actuators, Big Data and Analitycs. For these sectors, CYBER is configured as a critical technology of national strategic importance”. “The improper use of this technology – continues Palazzo Chigi – can lead to considerable risks not only for the confidentiality of user data, but also for the possible transfer of information relevant to security”

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strategic decisions
“For some strategic decisions of the board of directors the prescriptions of the government also provide for a vote of at least 4/5 of the board of directors”. This was stated in the note from Palazzo Chigi

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