Home » Parliament, effect of cuts: deputies do not work and new recruits run away

Parliament, effect of cuts: deputies do not work and new recruits run away

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Parliament, effect of cuts: deputies do not work and new recruits run away

The benches of the Montecitorio Hall which will be rendered unusable

Parliament, so Montecitorio went haywire. Cuts, boomerang effect

Il cut of MPs it seemed like the answer to all problems. The premises were these, we will reduce costs and speed up the process for laws. But instead of becoming a leaner system it has become even slower and more cumbersome. Here because.

Since the number has been reduced, deputies and senators have systematically deserted the work of the commission, that is, that thing that before – we read in Il Foglio – gave meaning to their days as anonymous “keypads” of the Hall. Before they attended one, they studied, they voted, they issued. But since now of commissions they have to manage two or three each it ends up that not only do they no longer study, but they also have to choose where to go. So in general they are absent (except when voting and snap the token).

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