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Pensions, Tridico: “Man option goes in the right direction”. Landini: “Not viable hypothesis”

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Pensions, Tridico: “Man option goes in the right direction”.  Landini: “Not viable hypothesis”

According to various sources, the Man option, the hypothesis of a pension exit window at 58-59 years with 35 years of seniority under study by the Meloni government, does not displease Pasquale Tridico, president of INPS. “I believe that all these reforms are oriented towards a just principle, that of guaranteeing a certain flexibility in leaving, while remaining anchored to the contribution model. We were also oriented towards this during the Draghi government. So, if we go in this direction, it seems to me that we are quite in line with what we were doing before ”, explained Tridico on the occasion of the presentation of the XXI INPS annual report at Palazzo Steri.

A hypothesis that must necessarily take into account the results of the Woman option, which inspired it. «The Woman Option had a 25% drop compared to the audience, a figure that shows that the choice was made by less than a third of women. Low figure? It is a choice », Tridico replied. “Everyone knows that with the contribution model, if you retire earlier you go with a lower pension allowance. It is normal in our contribution model, we have had it since ’95, we have reconfirmed it with the Fornero reform ». What will be the timing of the reform? “The policy will decide.”

The “no” to the hypothesis comes from the general secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini. “To retire people by reducing their allowance does not seem to me to be a great way to go,” he said on the sidelines of the national assembly of the Fillea-CGIL delegates in Milan. “I believe – he adds – that the theme is to tackle the complexity of the pension system”. “I also believe – he stresses – that there is another underlying theme to give a future pension to all workers: we must fight perecariness”.

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