Home » Piombino, the ordinance for the regasification terminal is signed. The mayor will appeal to the TAR

Piombino, the ordinance for the regasification terminal is signed. The mayor will appeal to the TAR

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Piombino, the ordinance for the regasification terminal is signed.  The mayor will appeal to the TAR

Now there is the official signature of the extraordinary commissioner for the Piombino regasification plant, the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani: with the order signed today, 25 October, Giani authorized the installation in the port of the Tuscan town, for three years ( then it should be moved offshore), of the regasification vessel Golar Tundra, bought by Snam on the recommendation of the Draghi government to stop the emergency linked to the reduction of gas supplies from Russia.

The prescriptions are not yet known

The ordinance contains the prescriptions that the 40 state and regional entities that participated in the services conference (which ended on 21 October) gave Snam to allow the installation of the ship, which will have to be connected, through an 8-long gas pipeline. , 8 kilometers to be built, to the national gas network. The prescriptions are not yet known (the act has not yet been released by the commissioner), but, according to what Giani said, they will not lengthen the time for the ship to start operating, scheduled for April.

Snam is cautious for now: after having expressed satisfaction with the conclusion of the procedure, the company specified that “the authorization deed contains technical and procedural prescriptions” that will be examined by the company “in the coming days to allow the timely start of the works and everything possible to dispose of the operating unit within the foreseen times ».

Within 45 days, Snam must also indicate the final location of the regasification vessel, after three years of stay in the port of Piombino. The destination, which will involve the construction of a much longer pipeline, should be offshore off the Italian coast. Giani also assured that the compensation works pertaining to Piombino, brought together in a memorandum approved yesterday by the regional council, were “subject to dialogue with the old government” and are “an integral part of the authorization”.

Mayor announces appeal to the TAR

As expected, the mayor of Piombino has announced an appeal against the work. “From our point of view – said Francesco Ferrari, exponent of FdI – the signing of the authorization for the construction of the work by Commissioner Eugenio Giani does not move the point: he had already announced on Friday at the end of the Conference of services that he would go ahead and did it. After all, will already established from day one. Likewise, we had replied that we would have challenged the authorization before the TAR and we will do so ».

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