Home » Pnrr, 2.8 billion of “house funds” stopped. The Housing Commission? Absent

Pnrr, 2.8 billion of “house funds” stopped. The Housing Commission? Absent

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Pnrr, 2.8 billion of “house funds” stopped.  The Housing Commission?  Absent

(Image source: Pixabay)

The image of the PNRR is the funds to the cities. Cities claim resources but the Commission is missing

There may be some problems with PNRR funds. Let’s talk about the money from the PNRR that finances the PINQuA Projects. The National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living is an investment plan promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS), the dicastery led by Matteo Salvini, to carry out social housing and urban regeneration projects throughout Italy. Well done, well done!

It is a 2.8 billion euro plan that aims to build new public housing, partially impacting housing difficulties, redeveloping degraded areas and focusing on sustainability and green innovation.

We are talking about EU funds that go to many Italian centres. From the metropolitan city of Messina (with a project financed by 99.6 million euros) to the Municipality of Genoa (87 million euros), from the Municipality of Milan (99.9 million) to that of Bari (100 million) and many others, for variable figures the dish is rich. We are talking about 271 projects carried out mostly by Municipalities and metropolitan cities, from North to South, all financed and for significant amounts.

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