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Price increases and bills: Sportello Ripartenza is born, a free consultancy service to make ends meet

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Price increases and bills: Sportello Ripartenza is born, a free consultancy service to make ends meet
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04/05/2022 12:40


The pandemic crisis first and the retail price boom later, with the generalized increases and the sting of bills, risk putting hundreds of thousands of families in Italy in economic difficulty. To cope with this new crisis situation, the CONSUMERISMO Non-profit and UMPR associations today launch the “Sportello Ripartenza”, where savings professionals who make up the various work teams, enrolled in the professional register held by the OCF (Supervisory Body and keeping the single register of Financial Advisors), will offer a completely free service aimed at guiding people to find the balance of their economic choices and the right priorities among their life goals.

Specifically, the “Restarting Desk” will offer an entire team of experts who will voluntarily and free of charge make their skills and knowledge available to guide those who are struggling with difficult debt situations, from which they do not know how to get out (mortgage payments and / or payments due to commitments made in the past);
must recalculate personal and / or family income and expenses in some way generated or lost (due to job loss or business conversion).

In fact, the segment of the population experiencing an economic hardship never experienced before is increasing – Consumerism and UMPR explain – In these conditions it is suddenly difficult to satisfy every type of need, even the easiest to reach, to the point that today it is necessary to tighten the belt and consequently the guidance of an expert is increasingly indispensable.

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