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Real estate is not passive income, says this investor

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Real estate is not passive income, says this investor

Investor Janina Ellen Sari owns over 300 properties – but she finds the term “passive income” misleading.

Janina Ellen Sari owns over 300 properties. However, she would not describe the money she earns from renting as passive income.

The reason: According to her, as an investor you bear responsibility and, among other things, have to take care of the development of the property. It takes time and commitment, Sari tells Business Insider.

The real estate expert told us which points you should consider as an owner.

A regular income without working – that’s what many people want. There are a few guides on how you can build up such a passive income. Real estate investments are often recommended in this context. The reason for this is obvious: If you rent out real estate, you have regular income.

In an interview with Business Insider, however, real estate investor Janina Ellen Sari pointed out that real estate income is not as passive as one might think. The expert has over 300 properties and works in a management position at a real estate start-up.

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