Home » Rome Pride, invasion of people in the streets. Schlein: “Lazio Region absent”

Rome Pride, invasion of people in the streets. Schlein: “Lazio Region absent”

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Rome Pride, invasion of people in the streets.  Schlein: “Lazio Region absent”

Rome Pride, Elly Schlein and Roberto Gualtieri (photo Lapresse)

Rome Pride, many in Piazza della Repubblica

Here are the images of Piazza della Repubblica as the gay pride procession sets off. The

Schlein: “We are here to support this Pride, the Lazio Region is not wrong”

“The Democratic Party will always be in the places of protection and promotion of rights starting from equal marriage, from adoptions, from the recognition of the children of same-parent couples. We are here with our bodies to be there, the Lazio Region is not wrong. Let’s not forget that whoever governs Italy today is whoever sank the Zan law”, the words of the PD secretary Elly Schlein, on the occasion of the Roma Pride parade.

Rome Pride: Gualtieri, ‘on rights we must go forward, not backwards’

”The streets of our city are tinged with the colors and joy of RomaPride. Rome, an inclusive and democratic city, is proud to be, today more than ever, the capital of the rights of all, without exception. We must go forward on rights, not backwards”. So in a tweet the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri.

Rome Pride: organizers, ‘we are a million, never seen so many people’

“We are a million, never seen so many people”. Shout the organizers of Roma Pride from the coordination wagon of the rainbow event.

Rome Pride: at the head of the procession Gualtieri sings ‘Bella ciao’

“Today and always resistance”. The choir rises from the procession which, when it reaches Santa Maria Maggiore, after a few minutes of silence, leaves with ‘Bella ciao’. Everyone sings, even the journalists intent on photographing the head of the procession with the QueeResistence banner. The mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, sings, Marilena Grassadonia, coordinator of the Lgbt+ Rights Office of Rome Capital, sings.

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Rome Pride: Boschi, ‘it’s important to be there, civil unions thanks to the Renzi government’

“As a deputy from Rome it was essential to be here today especially when the Region withdrew its sponsorship of Pride. As a representative of the institutions I wanted to be there to say that the people who peacefully and cheerfully demonstrate here are part of our state , are not second-class citizens and need our support.” Thus the deputy of Italia Viva Maria Elena Boschi during the procession of the Roma Pride. “If there is a law on civil unions, it is due to the Renzi government who had the courage to trust that law and approve it. However, there is still a lot to do on the subject of rights, on an educational and cultural level to combat any discrimination”.

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