Home » Santanchè asks Giorgetti for help. And he checks the hypothesis of false accounting

Santanchè asks Giorgetti for help. And he checks the hypothesis of false accounting

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Santanchè asks Giorgetti for help.  And he checks the hypothesis of false accounting

Santanchè, check the hypothesis of false accounting

New elements on the case of Minister Daniela Santanchè. After the episode of Report on companies linked to the Minister of Tourism, from which allegations of missed payments, non-transparent management and severance pay never received have emerged, now there is also the hypothesis of false accounting. According to Corriere della Serawhich cites the papers of the investigation that the Milan prosecutor’s office has been conducting since last November on the senator of the Brothers of Italy, on the table of those who investigate there would also be the hypothesis of false accounting which would concern the communications between 2016 and 2020 by Visibilia editore Spaof which Santanchè was president until January of this year, when he sold his shares.

“The presentation of unreliable financial statements, starting at least from 2016, has delayed the emergence of a significant financial instability”, the documents would read. Il Corriere also reports the considerations of Nicola Pecchiari, a Bocconi professor appointed as a consultant by the prosecutors, according to which “the conditions for a full write-down of goodwill of 3.8 million were already evident as at 31 December 2016”.

And again: “This write-down was avoided by the company on the basis of an ‘impairment test’ appraisal based on an unrealistic industrial plan, without taking into consideration that already from 2014 the forecast data were not complied with in the final balance, and that the final balances for the three-year period clearly showed the presence of an evident structural crisis of operating profitability”.

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Meloni: “From Santanchè willingness to report, we are calm”

“I think there is no problem with reporting to Parliament, it is a legitimate request from Parliament. I am happy that Minister Santanchè has given her availability, I have seen her calm in these hours as I am calm”. This was stated by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, in a press point at the end of the Europa Forum Wachau.

Santanché asks Giorgetti for help in order not to fail

According to what the Open site writes, the tax authorities are offered to pay 66.41% of the amount demanded, including unpaid taxes, irregularities, interest and penalties, repaying the amount due, however, in ten years through half-yearly installments. The main creditor – Prelios Credit servicing spa which had taken over the credit from Banca Intesa San Paolo – was offered 1.2 million euros in place of the 4.5 million euros owed. This is the proposal made to the second civil section of the Milan court by Daniela Santanché’s consultants and lawyers to avoid the bankruptcy of Visibilia srl ​​with all the consequences, including criminal ones, that would come with it.

Avoiding de facto bankruptcy therefore passes only from the yes of the Revenue Agency pronounced before the civil court of Milan. And it certainly cannot be hidden how the financial administration – headed by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti – finds itself in great embarrassment, because the fate of an important government minister in office depends on his yes or no. Santanché’s consultants and lawyers, like the party’s expert who analyzed Visibilia’s accounts, tell the Milan court in no uncertain terms: if you make Visibilia go bankrupt, you will find nothing inside the company, and therefore both the tax authorities and financial creditors and suppliers they will get nothing back.

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If, on the other hand, this proposal for an arrangement with creditors is accepted, at least something owed will return to them thanks to a complex scheme of guarantees offered by Santanché herself, by her partner Dimitri Kunz of Habsburg and by an important building. Santanché even guarantees her parliamentary allowance. In fact, her lawyers write: «Moreover, it should be noted that the majority shareholder, Dr. Daniela Garnero Santanché, in addition to being the reference shareholder of the various companies mentioned in the present appeal, also holds the office of Senator of the Republic, of which he receives an indemnity of € 95,000.00 net per year: this amount constitutes an additional resource available to the majority shareholder according to the financial support to be provided in favor of the Company for the payment of debts and, therefore, the success of the Chords”.

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