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School contract renewal: neutral toilets and alias identities for trans teachers

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School contract renewal: neutral toilets and alias identities for trans teachers

School contract renewal, revolution rainbow: neutral bathrooms and alias identities for trans profs

A rainbow revolution, the one contained in the new national collective labor agreement for the education, university and research sector 2019/21. Indeed, in a step towards inclusiveness, new rules have been introduced which uphold the rights of transgender teachers. As the site reports Orizzontescuola.itthe new measures provide the adoption of neutral toilets, alias identity for email credentials, on shift boards and on identification plates. This step forward in promoting diversity is backed by the Ministry of Education and Merit, led by Giuseppe Valditara, who praised the contract as a significant advance in enhancing all school staff.

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Chapter 21 of the contract, entitled ā€˜Gender Transitionā€™, covers crucial aspects of ensuring an inclusive and respectful working environment for gender transitioning teachers. The text recognizes the alias identity of employees in gender transition, in accordance with Law 164/1982, e stresses the importance of eliminating uncomfortable situations for those wishing to change their name and gender identity.

The administrations will have to agree with the employee on the signing of a confidentiality agreement, ensuring maximum confidentiality and respect during this process. Further details on how to implement these new measures will be specified in an internal regulation. Additionally, the contract ensures that transgender teachers are entitled to use locker rooms e neutral toilets o matching to their identity Of typeas well as wearing work uniforms that reflect their gender of choice.

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